Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 13, 2013 - September 23, 2013

We get the best notes about Madelyn every day when she gets home from school, and love receiving pictures like this from her teachers.  This little lady is Madelyns best friend at school and also a member of the Mom's group that we are in!  They are always playing together and somehow show up at school dressed alike very often...

Izzie wanted to sneak into this photo...mission accomplised Izzie, you look cute too :)

Picture time with Mama!!
9-14-13 Madelyn got a Jumpy!!  Look out, when Madelyn is jumping around in here things get crazy!!  She loves bouncing and singing while she plays!
9-15-13, Madelyn had Grandma and Grandpa Hergott over for dinner.  Madelyn enjoyed showing off all of her skills for Grandma and Grandpa.
9-16-13 Playdate with Aunt Lisa, Uncle Greg and Lilly!  Madelyn had her first fun time in a swing!
I've said it once, and I'll say it again, and again....and again, me and my sweet, sweet girl.  Love this little girl so much. 
Madelyn and her cousin Lilly hanging out on the swings!
"WHOOAAH Aunt Lisa don't let go!!
"I can't wait until my friends at school see my new outfit Mom!"
9-19-13 Cousin fun, Evan and Tyler came for a visit with Aunt Kara!  Evan was a huge help showing Madelyn how all of her toys worked, covering her and Tyler with blankets, and helping them keep their socks pulled up!

Dad's home!  Time to get goofy and play with Daddy!
9-22-13 Madelyn attended her cousin Evan's 3rd birthday party!
Girl time with Mommy and Aunt Kara

This is new, Madelyn loves to throw herself backwards and dangle her head down with her arms out!
Mid party - time for a little rest
Grandma and Great Grandpa with Madelyn
Madelyn caught the attention of a young boy at the party who wanted to play with her and she was eager to share toys and play with him too!
 Happy Birthday Evan!  A picture with all the kids was tough!

9-23-13  The chilly weather is approaching and Madelyn is all ready to sport her fall gear!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 1, 2013 - September 12, 2013

September is here!  We are looking forward to a beautiful Michigan fall with Madelyn and hope to enjoy nice fall walks outside, maybe a trip to the cider mill, and watching the leaves change!  But, for now it's been in the 90's so we are still just hanging in the A/C.

Eric and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on the 3rd!  We both agree we have had an amazing 2 years, pre-Madelyn and post-Madelyn, we wouldn't change a thing.
September 1st, 2013 Happy baby in her exer-saucer!
Madelyn you are really getting good at this now, you spin and spin around hitting buttons, spinning gadgets and having a blast!  You love it when a song comes on and Daddy and I dance along with you!

September 2, 2013
Often during playtime you don't even need a toy Madelyn; you just lay on your blanket and talk to Mommy or Daddy, make faces, wave your arms and legs around and entertain yourself (and us).

You now LOVE to make what most people call, "raspberry," noises; your Dad and I call them farting noises, with your mouth.  Watching you on the monitor is adorable, and entertaining.  You love to just lay in your crib, talk, make farting noises and wave your pacifier around.

Just a week or so ago it was difficult to get you to laugh, now we get to hear you laugh almost daily!  You love it when we make silly noises or tickle your belly.

9-3-13 Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!
Last year on our anniversary you were in Mommies belly, but, still there celebrating with us!  This year we got to enjoy your company on our anniversary!
Family "selfie" anniversary picture!

Happy 5 Months Madelyn Rose!!!

First step:  Gain your attention
Second step:  Quick, take as many photos as possible, 1 or 2 will turn out good
Third step:  Hurry up and finish before you notice the chalkboard next to you and I lose your focus, and the chalkboard loses it's chalk.
Well look who is a big girl in her jeans!  
9-6-13:  LOVE getting pics like this from your teachers at school!
Madelyn's daily report from school came back with a note from her teacher saying, " Madelyn had a GREAT day, she ate and slept well, she was very vocal today!  She had a lot to say!" :)   
9-8-13 March-ish Mammas playdate!  Love seeing all your baby friends! 
Avocado time!  Time to try some yummy avocado!!
Here it goes....
That was different....definitely wasn't milk....but it was ok....maybe I'll try another bite...

All ready for some cousin fun with Tyler and Aunt Kara!  Madelyn was so ready to show Tyler around the mall.  Tyler was slightly less enthused.

9-11-13 Naked baby all ready for her bath time!!!  
This silly girl loves working out with her Mama

All smiles here!  People still ask, "does she ever not smile, does she ever cry?"  Answer:  Only if you make her, she likes to be fed, well rested and entertained; if all of these things are in order we have ourselves a very happy little lady. :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

August 18, 2013 - August 31, 2013

8-18-13 Happy Birthday Uncle Danny!  Uncle Danny turned 30 this past August and Madelyn was excited to be a part of the bday celebration!  
Gotta love this sweet face and beautiful eyes.
Hanging out with Aunt Kara, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her little cousin!

Madelyn got to take a few swings at the pinata!  We needed to stop her though, she was so good at it we had to let Evan and Uncle Danny have a turn too!
Snuggling outside on the swing with Grandma
8-19-13 all dressed up and ready for the Hergott family pictures!

Family dinner for Grandpa Hergotts birthday!  Madelyn was keeping it casual sitting on the table in just her diaper...
Bath time fun!  Madelyn still loves to splash around in the tub!  She now enjoys some bath toys to chew on and play with!

8-24-13 Playing with her toys!  Madelyn has gotten very good at reaching for her toys and hanging onto them.

She's also still very good at reaching for her toes, playing with and chewing on them!

Morning coffee with Daddy!  Madelyn likes to help hold Daddy's Darth Vader mug.
Tyler Matthew Anderson was born August 22, 2013!  Madelyn was so excited to go and meet Tyler, they had a little play date that consisted of napping, drinking milk and a little bit of playing!
Baby play time - here are Madelyn and Tyler having a great play time on the couch!
My handsome nephew
Madelyn is testing out all of Baby Tyler's toys before he uses them....
8-27-13 I got a message from Eric that Madelyn had decided she wanted to wear this when she got home from daycare.  She loves playing dress up with Daddy.

Mommy and Madelyn
8-28-13 I am always happy to arrive at Madelyns daycare to this smiling face!  Madelyn loves playing with all of her friends at school!
Goofing around with Daddy!

Story time before bed; Eric and I try to read Madelyn a book every night before she goes to bed.

8-31-13 Family get together at my Uncle Dennis's house we barely managed to get all the kids together for a photo of my Grandpa with all of his great grandchildren!
Buddies hanging out in their strollers enjoying the nice weather.
Look at this handsome guy with his beautiful daughter :)