Friday, June 6, 2014

14 Months and having summer fun!

 June 1st Hello summer, we are really enjoying you so far!  Grandma and Grandpa Hergott came by for a visit and you were so excited to see them and show them all that you have learned! You played inside with them and then took them outside to show them your picnic table, and slide!

 Summer fun has brought us, picnics outside, playing in our new pool and on the slide, taking walks; as much as we can do outside we are doing it!  You love running around the grass and on the sidewalk in front of the house.  
Snack time!  Who likes peas!? Madelyn: "I do! I do!"
Yum!  Lasagna!  You are eating so well with your fork!  This picture is a dramatic take on how dinner time is for you, it's not always this messy...but after this you went straight into the tub!  You had spaghetti sauce in your ear, your hair and I even found some in your diaper!  Silly girl.

Twinsies!  Whoops, Mama got you to school and one of the teachers pointed out that we were dressed alike...I promise Madelyn I did not do this on purpose, but it was pretty funny!

6-5-14 Happy 14 months Madelyn!  We spent the morning at the Zoo, and it was a PERFECT day!  We had the penguin house all to ourselves and you stood and watched in awe as the penguins zoomed by.  You got very close to the giraffes, saw a baby camel that was only 3 weeks old, and a mama chimpanzee with her baby on her back!  We met up with your friend Sabrina and you two girls ran around giggling pointing at all the animals just having a blast!

Checking out the giraffes, you two were the cutest girls at the zoo.

(Staring at the giraffe deep in thought) "I wonder what he's thinking...."

I was watching Madelyn the whole time, but, turned away for one second and she was trying to get through the fence to see Mrs. Peacock, a very nice zoo patron said, "Ma'am, is that your daughter?"  "Yep, that's my daughter." I replied proudly.

14 months!
*You blow kisses!  When you blow kisses to your friends at school it's like a "kiss off," kisses fly back and fourth until someone finally exits the room.
*You walk to your high chair when you are hungry.  Smart girl.
*Running, as I may have mentioned earlier, you love to be chased, and you love to chase.  Well you have become a very fast little girl and sometimes it's hard to get away from you now!
*Tooth count: 2 top front teeth, three bottom center
*Still no hair cut - still perfect hair :)

Madelyn likes to help around the house, dusting, vacuuming, walking the dog; these are just a few of her chores.

Pretty girl!  You love playing with your hair bows, you put them on Mommy and Daddy's head and we end up putting all of them in your hair and you feel like a princess with a crown of bows!

"Time for school mom!"  Sleepy face is all ready for school, and Mama loves snapping a quick pic before we get in the car to go, this little face makes my whole day.

6-6-14 Home from work, home from school, it's a Friday, time for some R&R as a family.  First step, snack picnic outside with Daddy.  We love our weekends together as a family and enjoy moments like these :)

As stated previously, Madelyn has (somewhat) mastered her fork.  Tonight she conquered mac n' cheese all by herself using only her fork (ok, and a little help from her hands) she even had seconds!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

May 2014 Happy Mothers Day!

Madelyn, you are now 13 months old.  Last month we had pictures of you cruising around with your walker....but this're walker free!  You have mastered your ability to walk.  In fact, you were almost running after just a week of walking!! Some other new things about you include....
*You have 4 teeth now, two on the bottom, and two that just poked through on the top!
*You try to put your shoes and socks on, when I get them out you sit down and give me your foot, of when you see your shoes you will put your foot up to it, in attempt to put it on!
*You love playing "tag," you like to be chased, and once caught, you like to turn around and chase your chaser!
*You like to pick things up; one day while doing laundry, you carefully picked up pieces of clothes one by one and took them over to the tray in the family room where you stacked them all in and then wanted to push it all around.  You also like to put things in the back of your dump truck push it around the house.  I had a stack of hangers one day, and one by one, you carried them from the family room to the other end of the hallway.  Once you had finished, one by one you brought them all back to Daddy and me.
*You are SO friendly, you wave at pretty much everyone, at Kroger, to and from daycare, at the doctors office, anywhere we are you wave and say "hi."  If you go anywhere with us we need to be ready for all eyes on us because you definitely make friends wherever you go.
*Favorite foods: ORANGES ORANGES ORANGES, peas, broccoli, bananas, ritz crackers, spaghetti, grilled cheese (still, and you only eat the cheesiest pieces now), and applesauce. 
Mommy loves you Madelyn!

Whoo hoo!  A nice day!  Time to mow the driveway (notice, she is walker free!)  Play on your new slide, pick up sticks, chase leaves, and all the other fun things there are to do outside!
"Abra Cadabra, Ala Kazam! Ready to play outside, summer here I am!"
The birds and squirrels amaze you.  You love to watch the squirrels jump from the telephone poles to the trees, and the birds fly around then land so fast!

 Happy mothers day to Mommy!  We enjoyed a beautiful day at the zoo; your Aunt and Uncle met us there with your cousins, Evan and Tyler; and your Grandpa Dan and Grandma Ellis came to check out the animals too!  Mommy, Daddy and Madelyn all wore our Star Wars shirts
 Checking out the Lions!

A new jogging stroller made for a very happy girl!  I pushed you around the yard for awhile, and every time I tried to take you out you cried!  You love going for jogs with Mama!
 Back to the zoo!  This time you went with your best friend Ellie; you sweet girls rode around in style, pointing at lots of things and just taking in all the sites.

 Ellie:  "Hey Madelyn, what was your favorite animal?"
Madelyn:  "I like the Rhinos a lot Ellie, but I've gotta tell you, my favorite part of this day is riding around in your wagon."
Ellie:  "Yea, it's pretty sweet huh?  We definitely are the coolest chicks here."
 Still loving her bath time!  Madelyn loves getting the water dumped on her head!

 Memorial Day is here, we all enjoyed an extra day off together , we spent the day celebrating Grandma Ellis's birthday as well, the kids enjoyed lots of fun in the sun and water!

"Dada!"  Madelyn loves her Daddy, she runs to him when he gets home from work yelling, "Dada, Dada!! With her arms in the air wanting to be picked up for a big kiss!
 Waiting for Daddy to get home from work....
 All ready to head to school in the morning!  Madelyn gets so excited to go and play with her friends she walks right to my car and waits patiently for me to put her in her car seat.  When we walk in to class she immediately starts waving at her teachers and friends and can't wait to start her day!
 "Hmmmm...I'll have the grilled cheese with a side or oranges for lunch, thank you."
 Let the fun in the sun begin!  With May coming to an end we welcome the warm weather and can't wait to spend more time outside!