Monday, September 22, 2014

Busy busy busy girl!

Madelyn you have been a BUSY girl.  Our home was put up for sale in July and after only a few showings it was sold!  With all the house hunting and changes going on you have been such a good sport, still our sweet smiley girl.   
*Favorite activities; DANCING, reading, and putting puzzles together.  You have gotten good with your shapes puzzles, and animal puzzles, although you still like to hide pieces under the couch; I always know where to look when a piece goes missing :)  
The world is your stage sweetheart, although your preferred stage is the kitchen floor and the top of your slide, these make the best dance floors :)
Madelyn and Izzie <3  You have gotten very good at saying her name!  It sounds a little like, Dizzy, but she knows what you mean.
Your little cousin Tyler turned 1, and you were ready to party!!!!  You guys are good buds, he likes to watch you run around and teach him things.  You may be older but he's catching up to you in size and pretty soon he will be running after you!  Not sure what to think about the look you both decided to give in this guys look pretty tough...
Between Tyler, Madelyn and all the balloons, the day was filled with lots of, "Ba, Ba, Baaaa!!"  This means, balloon as well as ball in their language. 
There is no denying that you are beautiful Madelyn.  Some fun facts about our super sweet, smart girl:
*  Some of your new words, purple, turtle, Ellie (your best friend), Tina (your babysitter), and baby,
*  Instead of saying, "please," it comes out as, "me," so you frequently run around whining, "meeeeeee;"  You also call your pacifier a, "me,"  I think this started because your dad and I called it a P....either way you are pretty cute running around saying, "meeeeee."
*You love to help with the laundry, you put away your clothes and the towels, you also like to load the wet laundry into the dryer. 
*You like to show us where things go, or where you want something to go by pointing, tapping the ground, etc.  Example:  every day when you brush and floss your teeth, Mama pulls out your little stool to put in front of the sink, you insist on tapping the rug to remind me where it goes every time, while (sort of) saying, "right there."  When we get your socks out, you sit down and tap your feet, and when I change your diaper, you also point to where that goes...wouldn't want that going on the wrong spot...
*You can show us your, and our, eyes, nose, ears, hair, mouth, feet, hands, knees and elbows!!!  Such a smart girl. 
*Random, but you love Kix cereal.  If I ever need to sneak away or finish doing something that's my trick Madelyn,  I give you a handful of Kix.  But I don't dare let you see the box if I'm not going to give you any, so packing them for outings, getting them at Kroger or trying to have some myself are tricky.  They are definitely, "kid tested, mother approved."
You can go down the slide all by yourself at the park!  You also love to help Mama vacuum!
9-1-14 Family trip to the zoo!   This trip included your first ride on the train and carousel!  You loved the train until we got to the was dark and a little spooky, you were very brave but held onto Mama tight! 

Riding on the carousel was fun, but a lot more fun when Daddy got on the camel and rode with you!!! You smiled and waved as you went round and round!

Saturday mornings with Dada are fun, you get to be goofy and Daddy always shares his eggs with you!
You were enjoying your dinner and talking with me as I worked in the kitchen, then you were very quit...I looked over to see my silly sweetheart going incognito in Mamas glasses.  
After a long day of painting the house in Sterling Heights we will be staying at while we continue to look for our home,  Grandma made us a nice dinner and you played with Evan and Tyler.  Daddy and Grandma painted your room!  It looks very nice and we can't wait to fill it with all of your things!  We have been going over there almost every day lately, you enjoy playing with your toys there while Daddy paints, and Mommy cleans and puts things away! :)

You two sure got all dressed up for a casual dinner, cuties. 
After playing in the tub with your cousins, you put your pjs on and snuggled with Grandpa Dan and let him practice his reading skills.


The last few months have been quite an adventure.  On September 3rd, 2014, Mommy and Daddy's 3 year anniversary, we closed on the house that Daddy has had for 10 years, Mama has lived in for almost 5, the house we brought you home to and you have grown up in so far!  

Next month you will be switching schools, you will make so many new friends and learn new things there, it will be different but we know you will love it and be happy there!

All of these new things and all of these changes are good things, and we do them for you sweet girl, we love you very much!!

Xo, Mama and Dada