Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring is coming, spring is coming!!!!!

2/24/15  This face sums up your goofy, sweet, fun-loving personality.  You talk so much now and lately are always telling us a story, singing us a song or taking care of your dolls and babies.  You're always sharing food with your babies, making sure they're fed and have their bottles; you wrap them in blankets, rocking them while whispering, "it's ok," then lay them down and make sure to let us know, "shhhhh, babies sleeping."
Madelyns talking up a storm:
"Uh oh, where'd it go?" (usually you know exactly where "it" is)
"I got you." (this usually follows one of the best hugs)
"Ok, I'll get it, one minute." (you walk away while holding up one finger)
"Bye, bye, see ya!" (see ya sometimes sounds a little more like sheeee ya, adorable)
"Whoopshh, Shorrrwy."  (This is just the cutest every)

Busy caring for one of your dolls, as usual.  
Here you are practicing good oral hygiene!  You are very literal with everything Madelyn, for example, if you're told to brush and floss, you will try!
Could you been any sweeter?  You love your cuddle time, we know you will be sweet and give your little sibling lots of  your kisses and cuddles too!  

Warm weather!!!!! Once temps hit the 30s it was time for some outdoor fun at our house!  You loved exploring your new yard, shoveling the snow, and "helping" make Olaf!!!  You love to shovel the big mounds of snow, typically we shovel snow off the driveway, but your goal is to throw the snow onto any area not covered in snow.  Guess you're used to seeing everything covered in white!  You have been riding your car and pushing your lawn mower around the court while singing and and cheering, if the neighbors didn't know we were here yet, they do now!

 March 16, 2015, the big reveal!  Here you are sharing our big news
 "It's a boy!!!!!!!"  You're going to have a little brother Madelyn!!
Cousin fun at the zoo!  You three are a busy bunch, you and Tyler are fast, luckily we have Evan to help round you up! :)
3/27/15 20 weeks down baby boy, 20 weeks to go!  You are a busy little guy, any time I'm sitting down I feel you in there kicking away!  You must be very athletic and strong since you are in there training so hard every day!!