Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer Adventures with The Hergotts!

So far it has been a great summer filled with trips to the zoo, splash pad, parks, pool in the back yard, our first family road trip and more!  We are having lots of family fun all while getting prepared for the arrival of Baby H #2 :)
6/1/15 Zoo fun with Grandma and Lilly!  The train was a huge hit!
"Choo Chooooo!"  You yelled and cheered while zipping around on the train, smiling and waving the whole time!
We got a van!!!  You love your new van Madelyn.  The first few days we got it you would wake up in the morning and run to the window to look to see if it was still there, you affectionately say, "blue van," when it's time to go anywhere!

Hanging with Grandpa Dan at Aunt Katies baby shower
Cousin bumps, these lucky guys will be just about a month apart...oooh the fun they'll have together :)
Dressing up with Mama, you love wearing scarves, and trying on my clothes while I get dressed. 
Snuggly girl, you carried this dog around for days, named him, woof woof, "woofy" for short.  You took him on walks, took him to school, and even to bed with you!  You are really very good at taking care of animals, dogs, anything really, I know you will be a great big sister. 

Cool chick!
Happy fathers day to this handsome guy.  Madelyn and her little bro are so lucky to have you, we love you Daddy!

Date night for Mama and Daddy who got to head out for a wedding!  Madelyn this was your first night away from us and we missed you like crazy!! 
6/28/15 Mama is 34 weeks pregnant and baby brother is the size of a butternut squash!  Hard to believe that soon we will be able to hold him in our arms instead of all these fruits and vegetables that are his size!

Happy Fourth of July!  We got to enjoy a beautiful morning boat ride with Aunt Katie and Uncle Danny. 

Fourth of July by the water.  Daddy gave us quite the set up here with your slide and pool.  You love to push your toys under the slide then ask us, "where'd they go?"
On the left is baby brother around 33 weeks, and you are on the right just about the same time.  I see a lot of resemblances!

Madelyn, at just over 2 you continue to amaze us every day.  Over night your vocabulary seems to have exploded!  You try to be so independent and adventurous.  We often find you just playing with your toys, talking, acting out little scenarios with them, you're very creative!  You started to make up your own songs, turning pages in a book and randomly singing about the animals on the pages.  
Bridal shower fun, you were such a well behaved little lady. 
First family trip!  We spend the weekend with the Foxes and visiting with Great Grandma Ellis!  Madelyn had a BLAST with Courtney, Kaitlyn and Megan!  There was lots of swimming, playing dress up, playing with dolls and watching Frozen of course!  You followed those big girls around and wanted to do everything they did, you have three beautiful, talented (and very patient) girls to look up to and it's so fun to watch you imitate them and show off  your own talents like singing and dancing to them!

Snuggled up to watch Frozen with Grandma
You saw cousin Megan diving of course wanted to dive just like she does :)

Madelyn meeting her cousin Ayla!
Hanging on the lake with Uncle Danny!  Madelyn even got to drive the boat!