Friday, September 30, 2016

Happy Birthday Mr. Colin!

Lake Orion Big Rig Gig with my little's, we had a blast checking out all the big trucks and buses!
8/6/16 Colins first hair cut!!! We have kids who sport FULL HEADS OF HAIR that's for sure.  And this little mullet needed a trim with his big first birthday party coming up!

Madelyn is officially a fairy ballet dancer!!! She loved wearing her leotard and wings and dancing around during class.  You did great Madelyn, you weren't timid at all...not that we thought you would be, walked right back into the classroom with your teacher and danced your little heart out while mommy and daddy watched through a window.  Of course you turned around plenty to wave to us, "HI MOMMY HI DADDY!!"  In the middle of a dance move

Colins first birthday party!!!!  One guess on what the theme was...

Yes, Star Wars!!! We had everything from Vader Taters, to Light Saber pretzels, Trooper Scoopers, 7 Lei Dip, name it, we had it for Mr. Colin.  Daddy pulled out his whole collection and we cleared the shelves to get in the spirit of Star Wars for your special day.  We had a great turn out from our family; you are loved Colin and it showed at your party.  Everyone had a great time hanging out on a hot day and enjoying you and each other.  

Colin, I love you, and I am the first to admit we struggled, smiled, cried, laughed, cried some more, didn't sleep, cried more, didn't sleep some more, and so on, and so on through your first year.   You are an incredible little boy and you put Mommy and Daddy to the parenting test this past year; from the week you were born, challenging our faith, patience, strength and much more you proved you are our strong little fighter.  

Then you came home and the real deal Colin began...from sleeping on your floor, to your chair, to dangling off the side of MY bed because you were in my spot and I didn't want to disturb you, our night times were challenging to say the least.  The days brought us a few smiles here and there, you would smile at Madelyn and that brought us so much happiness.

We aren't sure what happened but, after seeing the doctor a million times, specialists, tests, etc; around 1 year old you grew out of whatever was cramping your style and turned into a fun loving, sweet, adventurous little guy.  

Colin, you love playing with light sabers, chasing and getting chased by Madelyn, and climbing on anything and everything. You also are OBSESSED with brooms and vacuums, we have actually had to hide these things from you!!  You will walk to the hall closet and just point and cry because you know the broom is in there!!!!  Another thing you love is brushing your teeth. I close the bathroom door and you walk to it and just cry at it until I let you in; then you step up onto the stool, get your brush and hold it at the faucet whining until I turn the water on and let you brush...our little future dentist, or oral surgeon perhaps? I'll end this 1 year old sum up with your fixation on shoes.  You love shoes of all kind, mostly mine, but you'll go for whatever is around; you will walk over to a pair of shoes, sit down, and put your foot up to it trying to put it on until you get frustrated and just decide to get up and carry the shoe around.   

One very ROUGH year will never compare the the happiness you have brought us.  You continue to grow into an adventurous, fun boy, always wanting to, "be a big boy," and do things with the big kids at school, your sister, or anything beyond your means, and we continue to enjoy watching you grow into your own, through trial and error you love figuring things out for yourself.  We love you Colin; your ability to adapt to your surroundings is amazing, I will never again listen to someone who describes any behavior as, "second child."  You love and definitely admire your sister, that is obvious in the way you chase her and want everything she has...but, when taken the time to explain and show you things, you usually understand if it's her turn or, it's not your toy; you two interacting so well together has been amazing for Daddy and I, we love watching you watch and listen to your sister when you try to take her toy and she tells you, "No Coly, I'm playing with it, let me show you how to play with it."

Cake?  Colin was not really phased by his cake, he is an amazing eater.  Just have him over and try to make a sandwich or snack and he will show you what a great eater he really is.  He WILL take your food.  Works out well for us since Madelyn hates everything and wont eat.  Operation "clean sweep," comes in, AKA, Colin and just eats whatever is left on her plate.  His crazy eating habits are funny since he is only 30% in size for his age...what he lacks in size he makes up for in strength I promise.  Leave a chair out, he will climb it, a step ladder, he will scale it, a couch....he will take it; he will take it all the way to the top!!

I am so proud of our kiddos. Taking pictures is not fun and Mr. Colin did NOT want to be put down so we captured these just as I set him down and then quickly ran away before he got up and ran after me.  Colin ran after me and Madelyn would then go into the set and say, "You can take my picture, Colin doesn't want to do it, but I'll smile."  Thanks to a great photographer and a song about crockadiles eating monkeys we got some great pictues