Monday, December 19, 2016

2016 Halloween, Christmas is almost here, oh my!

Mr. Colin is more smiley than ever.  Colin you love being chased as well as chasing your sister and squealing around the house.  You also do a lot of, clucking and chirping as we like to call it; this is just a constant, "cluck cluck, uk, cluck, squeal!!!"  It's adorable and Madelyn can mimic it pretty well.   Colin you're a whopping 21 pounds (sarcastic), and it must be because you're such a busy boy because you eat anything and everything!
Madelyn, you are such a beautiful, kind, caring, FUNNY, little girl.  We were so excited to have a baby, so happy when you were born knowing we were going to have a sweet little girl, but had no idea we were going to have in house entertainment daily.  You make us LAUGH!  You still insist on wearing dresses almost daily, it takes a lot of convincing to get you into a pair of pants, that need to be stretchy pants.  You are so particular about your dresses now too that not any dress will do, it needs to twirl.  Your nightly prayers have grown so much you include so many people, we tell you when people are sick and may need your prayers and you add them on and they just stay there.  You are so kind and thoughtful it still amazes me how much you want to console others when they're sad. P.S you also can be super stubborn (but are pretty quick to apologize), and crazy emotional when you're tired, crying because you think I brushed your hair for 5 minutes when I said it would take, just a second.
Soaking up some vitamin Z on a warm fall day!

October took us to the Fox house where we got to "baby/teen sit," your cousins!  We had a BLAST with these girls as always.  We are so happy you have these girls to look up to, they sure do love you and you guys always have a blast with them!  We got to explore Frederik Meijer Gardens, have fancy dinner out, ladies movie night, I even got in a run with Kaitlyn!

Halloween 2016 - Madelyn we asked you what you wanted to be, you picked Ariel and this picture shows perfectly how excited you were to have this beautiful dress and long red wig just like Ariel!  We asked you what Colin should be, you picked Flounder....but....that was a hard costume to find so you ended up with Sebastian as a side kick :)

Trick or treat fun at a park in Clarkston has become a fun family tradition!  Madelyn another new hobby of yours that just started is photography, you took that cute picture of me and Colin; I gave you an old camera of mine and you walk around taking pictures of our decorations, us, your hands, feet, anything really!  It's pretty fun to scroll through your camera and see the shots you have taken!

The kids had lots of opportunities to wear the costumes with trick or treat events, costumes at school which even included a special visit from Grandma and Hergott, Kenny's birthday party (we all dressed as a family, Ariel, Sebastian, Ursula and Prince Eric), and last but not least the big day of Halloween!!!

Mommy worked hard for months to train for a half marathon she did in November.  What a nice surprise to have the whole family there at the end with signs and all to cheer me on!  After months of support when I'd leave to run or run in the basement while the kids played all that hard work helped me to finish my race!  Thanks to Eric and these great kiddos

Happy birthday Grandpa Dan!  We hosted dinner at our house and these 2 kiddos got all snazzy in their fancy clothes for Grandpa Dan and had a blast with their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents; it was such a special treat that Aunt Jane and Uncle Dale got to come too!! Colin shares a passion for the drums with his Uncle Dale and got some tips from a pro.

We went all out decorating from Christmas, from the tree inside, to our new little tree outside, Daddy hung lights all around the house and bushes; the house looks so festive and beautiful!

Madelyn's first play; we got to go see, The Snow Queen with Grandma and Madelyn loved it, "it's like a movie and there are people right there!"  I had a blast with my little mini me and mom on our special ladies afternoon together.

Family trip to see the lights downtown Rochester with the Kotenkos and Fodors was a fun time that ended with big cupcakes and hot chocolates for all!