Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy 6 months Madelyn! October 2013

 These big beautiful brown eyes are constantly looking around and helping Madelyn learn new things.
 Playing dress up with Mommy, Madelyn likes trying on her cute new outfits and posing for the camera!

Happy 6 months sweet baby girl, there have been so many enjoyable moments, and a lot of learning, both for you and also for your Daddy and me!
There is that tongue!  Every month the chalkboard moves further and further way from Madelyn...this is because Madelyn insists on grabbing it to chew on and erase!

Here are some photos from Madelyns 6 month photo session with Aunt Katie!!  It's so hard to pick a favorite, or even a few favorites because they're all so great and Madelyn looks so sweet in every picture that we have :)


Our happy converse family

Behind the scenes shots are the best!

Standing by the wagon is fun...but chewing on the wagon is even better!!

Laughing with Grandpa Dan

 Super cool chick all ready to take a nice walk with her shades on!
Madelyn had a great time riding in the shopping cart for the first time!!! She loved being out of her carrier and exploring Kroger.
10/7/13 - 6 Month appointment!  Once again, Madelyn is doing great!  26.25 inches, and 17lbs 12.5oz!   The scale shows 17lbs 13oz...but that's only because Madelyn insisted Sophie the giraffe stay on the scale with her.

Madelyn you are such a good eater!  This time with you is so special to Daddy and me; we love to watch you enjoy (and sometimes not enjoy) new fruits and veggies!

 Fun fall walks with Izzie
 All ready for your first Halloween in your Halloween tutu looking cute as always :)
 "This looks like a fun toy...."
 "Oh yea, fun's even more fun to just chew on!"  Everything is still going in your mouth Madelyn, but we have incorporated lots of new toys into playtime working on your motor skills.  You love any toy with lights and sounds! 

 Daddy's favorite Tiger's fan!  Madelyn has supported the Tigers all season, and she is really pulling for them to win the Stanley Cup!

....Just seeing if you were paying attention there, we know it's the World Series!
 It's very hard to take natural, spur of the moment action shots with this little one.  Madelyn you are always SO aware of what is going on, you always give Mommy a great camera smile.

"Tiger's are #1!"

Sunday, October 13, 2013

September 24, 2013 - September 29, 2013

 Reading Curious George before bed.  

Sticking out the tongue!  This tongue makes MANY appearances in the upcoming photos.  Madelyn is learning how to make different noises with her tongue and loves to curl it up almost as if she is trying to touch it to her nose!
Baby leg warmers are very "in" right now, so of course, Madelyn got a few pairs.  She looks ADORABLE in them and loves to wear them!

9-29-13  This big girl loves to sit in her high chair!  She sits at the table with Mommy and Daddy while they eat and she enjoys her fresh veggies!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dear Madelyn: 6 months


Happy 6 month birthday sweetheart.  These past 6 months have been the most amazing, life changing, six months of our lives.  We try to take pictures and videos and capture all the moments that we can, but, there are certain things and special moments that you just can't capture with a camera.  Those are the moments that Mommy and Daddy will tell you about as you grow, and remind you of when your older.

A lot of the sweet special moments that we have with you are when you eat.  When I get you out of your crib sometimes you immediately turn your face to mine and start sucking on my cheek, chin or nose! Sometimes you fall asleep while you are eating, either in your Daddy's arms or mine; you lay there looking so peaceful (sometimes snoring) and we just watch you for a few minutes before we put you to bed.

Your new thing now when we put you down or naps is what we like to affectionately call the, "Mariah Baby," (after Mariah Carey) this is where you hold your pacifier up to your mouth like a microphone, and squeal loudly as if you are recording a song.  You have the most adorable voice, even the squeals are as cute as the, "ba, ba, da,da, la,la, ma,ma."

You're now sitting up so well on your own, during playtime you would much rather sit and play with your toys than lay down.  You have also mastered rolling from your tummy to your back, sometimes you even do the, "rolling over," motion with your arms while you are in your exer-saucer or being held, it is very cute.  You definitely have your favorite toys and Sophie the giraffe is your top toy! Other than Sophie you like toys that crinkle, squeak or anything that's small enough to fit in your hands so you can chew on it.

We have found out that you are ticklish; under your neck, your upper thighs, and your belly, all of these areas are spots that we can tickle and make you giggle.  Your laugh is the most adorable noise; you sound surprised at first, and then just break out into a giggle that always makes us smile.

It's been about 3 weeks now that we have been making you veggies; so far you like avocado, zucchini (from the garden of course), beans, and you LOVE yellow squash!  You dislike peas, and surprisingly are not a fan of carrots!

Your teachers at daycare tell us that you are very silly and make all of the other babies laugh; you must take after your father who was the class clown of 1996.  We get pictures of you at school playing with your friends and being silly playing dress up with your teachers.  When Daddy or I pick you up from school now you notice and hear when we walk in the room and great us with a huge grin!

We enjoy every single day with you Madelyn.  Every day you bring something new for us to smile about and we are so lucky to have you in our lives.

Mommy & Daddy