Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy 6 months Madelyn! October 2013

 These big beautiful brown eyes are constantly looking around and helping Madelyn learn new things.
 Playing dress up with Mommy, Madelyn likes trying on her cute new outfits and posing for the camera!

Happy 6 months sweet baby girl, there have been so many enjoyable moments, and a lot of learning, both for you and also for your Daddy and me!
There is that tongue!  Every month the chalkboard moves further and further way from Madelyn...this is because Madelyn insists on grabbing it to chew on and erase!

Here are some photos from Madelyns 6 month photo session with Aunt Katie!!  It's so hard to pick a favorite, or even a few favorites because they're all so great and Madelyn looks so sweet in every picture that we have :)


Our happy converse family

Behind the scenes shots are the best!

Standing by the wagon is fun...but chewing on the wagon is even better!!

Laughing with Grandpa Dan

 Super cool chick all ready to take a nice walk with her shades on!
Madelyn had a great time riding in the shopping cart for the first time!!! She loved being out of her carrier and exploring Kroger.
10/7/13 - 6 Month appointment!  Once again, Madelyn is doing great!  26.25 inches, and 17lbs 12.5oz!   The scale shows 17lbs 13oz...but that's only because Madelyn insisted Sophie the giraffe stay on the scale with her.

Madelyn you are such a good eater!  This time with you is so special to Daddy and me; we love to watch you enjoy (and sometimes not enjoy) new fruits and veggies!

 Fun fall walks with Izzie
 All ready for your first Halloween in your Halloween tutu looking cute as always :)
 "This looks like a fun toy...."
 "Oh yea, fun's even more fun to just chew on!"  Everything is still going in your mouth Madelyn, but we have incorporated lots of new toys into playtime working on your motor skills.  You love any toy with lights and sounds! 

 Daddy's favorite Tiger's fan!  Madelyn has supported the Tigers all season, and she is really pulling for them to win the Stanley Cup!

....Just seeing if you were paying attention there, we know it's the World Series!
 It's very hard to take natural, spur of the moment action shots with this little one.  Madelyn you are always SO aware of what is going on, you always give Mommy a great camera smile.

"Tiger's are #1!"

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