Monday, November 11, 2013

October 19, 2013 - October 31, 2013

Open up wide Madelyn!  The list has grown, you LOVE bananas, squash, turnips and mango!  You make a funny face when we give you smack and pucker your lips...must be sweet for you!
Madelyn loves to enjoy a good book!
"Take my picture Mom!! I got all dressed up and did my hair!"
Baseball video games with Daddy until he can teach her the real thing!  "Hit a home run Daddy!"

Bath time is still a very happy time we enjoy as a family, Madelyn still loves having her hair washed; she sits up well in her tub and likes to splash the water with her hands and feet!

Bubble head

Exploring the sippy cup...With a little help she got a few sips, but pretty much just enjoyed chewing on the top.

Date night for Mommy and Daddy!  Madelyn had a fun night with her babysitter while Eric and I enjoyed a night out with friends....we also had the best costumes...of course.

My little laundry buddy
Snuggled up for a fall walk
Halloween at school!  Madelyn got all dressed up for a photo shoot to surprise Mom and Dad with some pictures!  Madelyn and her best friend even wore the same Halloween tutu to school and got a picture!
10-27-13 Halloween Bday dinner for Aunt Kara!  Look at the handsome cowboy with his little ladybug!

"Tyler let me fix your hat."
Madelyn: "Hey Evan, doesn't Tyler look goofy dressed as a chef!?"  
Evan: "Haha, yes Madelyn he sure does!"

Madelyn held Tylers hand to make him feel more comfortable for pictures.
Aunt Katie!!!  The Halloween Panda came for a visit!!! :)
10-31-13 Celebrating Halloween with a good Halloween book, and playing blocks with Daddy, the perfect night!


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