Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy 7 Months Madelyn!!!

11-4-13 who is sick and still looks this happy?!  Madelyn had her first "sick visit," at the doctor and was later diagnosed with croup on top of a bad sinus infection and the beginning of an ear infection!  Working at a doctors office I have seen adults who are worse patients than this when they are sick!  She was a star patient!
Caught on her tummy; we put Madelyn to sleep on her back, and she immediately rolls to her side, snuggles there for awhile and then ends up on her belly.

11-5-13 Happy 7 months baby girl!  As I say every month that passes, your daddy and I love you so much and we are so happy and lucky to have you in our lives, every day is a new adventure!  Here are some things about you at 7 months:
*You still love music, you love to sway back and fourth, we have been told by the teachers at your daycare that you immediately start dancing when they sing or put a song on!
*You babble a LOT, your favorite phrase right now is Bababababa
*You get into crawling "position," sit there, ready to go, and then decide you don't want to; you are way more interested in standing.
*You have 2 bottom teeth, they cause a lot of drool, but you are a trooper and smile through the discomfort.
*You have BEAUTIFUL hair!!!! We have been asked by many people if we trim your hair, we do not, it just has grown in that perfect.
*You have started to enjoy your "alone time," on a few occasions you have woken up, and we can see you on the monitor just babbling to yourself in your crib.
*You are still very observant and love to watch and learn new things.  A cashier admiring your beauty at Kroger told us that observant babies end up very smart.  If this is true you will be a genius.  You love to watch Daddy shave his beard, Izzie play with the rope, and Mommy blow dry her hair; you raise your eyebrows like you are in deep thought when you watch us do these daily tasks.

Our little over achiever.  Daddy says you are like an ant; did you know ants can lift 50 times their body weight!?  You are strong like that!
Here you are hanging out with Mommy and Izzie, watching Mommy cook and trying to get Izzie to play with you!

Photo shoot with Daddy!

What big beautiful eyes, you are such a sweet girl

You got to enjoy a beautiful Michigan fall and play in the leaves before Daddy worked so hard picking them all up!
Practicing good oral hygiene here you are brushing your teeth for the first time!  Mommy and Daddy helped you brush the bottom two teeth you have and you did a great job brushing your gums! 

"Mommy is a good cook!"
Story time with Mommy
Someone special got a surprise visit from her Daddy for lunch at daycare!  She obviously could not have been happier to see him; she bragged to all of her friends that her Daddy came to see her for lunch :)
Sneaky girl...Mommy set you here for just a minute and the next thing I know you're sneaking in your toy box!
11-16-13 March-ish Mammas had a play date at your house Madelyn!  We were so excited to host the get together and you were thrilled to have friends over.  You shared all of your toys and were a wonderful hostess!

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