Friday, April 18, 2014

1st birthday parties!

4-6-14 Birthday party #1!  Daddy and I made a nice lasagna dinner and we packed up your decorations and food and headed over to your Grandma and Grandpa Hergotts to celebrate with your Daddy's side of the family!

 You anxiously awaited the arrival of your guests, and, like a good guest of honor you greeted them all at the door!
"Thanks for playing with me Aunt Darcie!  I had so much fun with you!"
 What music themed birthday party would be complete without a xylophone cake for the bday girl!  We went with a music theme because you LOVE music Madelyn; all types of music, but especially country (maybe your mama has something to do with that).  You love to dance when any music comes on and often dance in your high chair while you are eating!  

 You made sure to check on everyone and make sure they were enjoying their food and getting enough to eat. 
Cousin Kenny was happy to pose for a pic with the birthday girl! 
Should we call this the birthday throne?  
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Madelyn....happy birthday to you!!!  You loved your cake, you dove right in and even shared a few bites with Daddy!

 Can't get enough of this sweet girl, baby and mama selfie!
Madelyn, one of your favorite things to do is pull this tray off the ottoman and sit in it.  I pulled you around in it once and now you always sit in it and wait patiently for your tray ride!
"I make this diaper look good!"  Madelyn, I have to admit, sometimes I wait a little while to dress you because you are just SO cute in your diaper!  Your little feet, legs, belly, arms, everything about you is just so little and cute!  You love your belly and back to be tickled lightly.
 You got to meet your out of state, skyping buddy Calvin!  Aunt Monica came over and introduced him to us and you had fun trying to rock his chair! I'm sure you will be the best of friends and exchange letters and emails one day!
this is NOT how we eat off of our plate....but we have been practicing your eating skills by giving you bowls and plates and sometimes you like to bring the food right up to your mouth while on the plate.
 Party #2, all set to get our party on at Grandma and Grandpa Ellis' house!!  
Guest of honor, check, party tutu, check, denim jacket, check, whole lot of cuteness....check.
Gotta tell you Madelyn, mama had a lot of fun making decorations for your party!
 Tray ride for the party girl! (like I said earlier, if there is a tray, she will find it, sit in it, and expect a ride).

 Our beautiful family
"Is it time to open up gifts yet mom???"
 "Oh yea, I remember this...come to Madelyn...yum yum yum."
 Aunt Katie was great enough to capture some great pictures at your birthday party!! I especially love the action shots with the cake.  At first you sat and looked at it for a minute...and then you dove in 3 or 4 times.  You didn't want to get your hands dirty so you went right at it with your mouth!!!
 "Thank you everyone for my wonderful gifts!"

From reading with Aunt Jane, to snuggling up to Uncle Danny you enjoyed every moment of your party and were a very well behaved birthday girl.   

Phew, the parties are over and you are such a lucky girl that so many loving members of your family came to celebrate with you, sent you cards and gifts, and called to wish you a happy birthday!!!  You're now walking very well, you can go about 8 to 10 feet, and when you plop down you usually hop right back up to take a few more steps!!!  You like to squat down while holding your fish bowl toy which is pretty heavy so you must have strong legs!!

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