Friday, June 9, 2017

Welcoming 2017!

January 1, 2017 Happy New Year!  We got to spend a nice new years day with Great Grandpa and some other family!  We are looking forward to a great year with Madelyn and Colin!

Happy 18 months Colin!  Weighing in at a whopping 23 pounds our little guy is definitely coming into his own.  He is developing a personality, staying busy trying to keep up with is big sister, and slowly but surely trying to sleep through the night!
95% of the time our children smell like syrup, the other 5% of the time it's peanut butter.  This guy in particular likes to rub his hands in syrup then slide them through his hair giving it a nice syrup gel glaze that smells even after a few washes.  

Family pizza making night!!! In an effort to encourage our kids to try different foods I really try to let them help in the kitchen when I can, even if it's just a pizza night.  These nights just hanging out, making pizza, watching a movie, are the greatest.  Watching our kids interact, work together, snuggle, makes me so happy and proud to be their mama. 

2017 was the big 32 for mama!!!!  I couldn't be happier at 32, I am a lucky mom of 2 adorable, incredible, sweet, loving, funny kids. 

First haircut at a salon!!!!!  Madelyn you thought this was pretty cool, Miss Sarah who mommy has known for a long time took on the challenge and very patiently gave you and Colin some awesome looking cuts. didn't do too great...but, with some wrestling/yoga/kung foo moves we were able to keep you still enough to at least clean up your hair that grows like a WEED. 

First time sledding for both of you kiddos!  Colin wasn't a huge fan, the snow was deep and loud as his sled went through it.  Madelyn although hesitant at first went down Grandma and Grandpas hill...first time down she went straight into a tree!  After a few tears she was up and ready to try again!

Brady is a big hit with our kiddos, both Colin and Madelyn love to hold him and are great big cousins!

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