Sunday, August 25, 2013

8-25-13: What is in a name?

As parents, many of you can remember the joyous process of choosing a name for your child. Having a list of possibilities, narrowing it down to a few, and then on that special day choosing one that was just right for your precious baby.  If you are not a parent I can tell you this is an exciting, stressful, and important decision, at least it was for Eric and I.  

This brings me to the purpose of this post.  

It has been brought to our attention multiple times that people have a desire to give Madelyn a name other than the one we gave her.  

In a society that seems to thrive on nicknames, Eric and I believe a nickname is something someone should grow into, and choose to go by it if they like.  That is the option Madelyn will have when she is older. We have  not given her a nickname, which means no one else has the option of doing it either.  Luckily everyone has the option of having their own child, or pet, and naming/nicknaming them whatever they choose! :)

Some people have been polite about this, some have been rude, and some have just taken it upon themselves to call Madelyn whatever they choose.  This post is not intended to strike up a conversation about it when we see you next, purely to be read, understood and respected. 

We love you all,
Kristie, Eric & Madelyn

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Happy 4 Months Madelyn!!

Happy August Madelyn Rose!  The last couple weeks have been FULL of fun times and smiles. Here are just a few....
8-1-13: Working in the yard with Mommy
Madelyn has become much more aware of Izzie.  She likes to just watch her and is very interested in how she is walking around on 4 legs and is all fuzzy.  Izzie doesn't mind at all.  She loves being right where Madelyn is most of the time.
Snuggling with Grandpa Dan

Grandma and Grandpa Ellis came over for dinner and Madelyn got to play outside with them; she even got to watch Daddy play horseshoes with her Grandpa Dan!
8-4-13 Madelyn attended the Bean family reunion!  She got to meet a lot of her family and spend some time in the pool!  It was her first time swimming and she loved the water!

Girl time with her cousin Lilly

You are now 4 months old.  It is amazing to watch you every day, you love to learn and try new things, you love to snuggle and play with Mommy and Daddy.  You are so animated; you smile and you have just now begun to laugh which is a fun and new way to express yourself.  There is nothing sweeter than the sound of your giggle and the big grin on your face that goes along with it.  You love to try new noises, from giggling to yelling, you even have begun to growl and whisper when you make noises.  You go from quiet to loud very quickly, testing out your vocal abilities.  We are sure that you will have a beautiful singing voice one day.

Although your Daddy and I are new to parenting, you make it come naturally to us.  Happy 4 months old, you bring so much joy to our lives and we look forward to every new day and new experience with you. 

Mommy & Daddy

"Hey Mom, how does it look if I hold my foot up like this for the picture?"
8-5-13 Madelyn got to go to the Detroit Zoo for her 4 month birthday!  She enjoyed seeing the animals, but her favorite part was the people watching, so many new things to see!

"Cheese! Mom am I going to see big animals when we get in there!?"  Madelyn was prepared with her toy giraffe and elephant she was in the zoo spirit!
Award for best dressed at the zoo goes to: Madelyn Hergott

8-8-13 Trying Oatmeal for the first time!  Madelyn got the hang of using a spoon pretty quickly.  Her facial expressions were interesting to watch as she wasn't sure what to expect, but she did very well!  She's only had it once, but she is a pro with a spoon so we look forward to introducing all kinds of yummy (and messy) veggies and fruits to her in the future!

Still jammin in the exersaucer!  Her feet still don't touch the ground, but she doesn't let that stop her from jamming away on her keyboard!
8-10-13 A trip to Somerset with Mommy.  Madelyn got on her fancy pant suit and rode around Somerset, she enjoyed the glass elevator.
Playing dress up

8-11-13 Mommy group meet up with the March-ish Mommas!  Madelyn enjoyed playtime with some of her buddies.
8-12-13:  4 Month check up!  15lbs 12.5 oz, 24 inches long.  Madelyn is in the 77th percentile for her weight, 33rd for her height, and 97th for her head!  She made lots of noises and smiles for her Doctor and showed off all of her skills.
2 shots and all smiles after!  4 month check up gave us a good report of a healthy happy little lady!

Now that the doctors appointment is over, back to more serious stuff, like figuring out the gadgets on this exer-saucer....

Our little tigers fan loves watching the games with Daddy
8-15-13 Madelyn loves to curl up with a good book at the end of a long day
Thanks for all the smiles Madelyn!  Keep them coming!!! :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

July 9, 2013 - July 29, 2013

 At just over 3 months we still have one of the happiest babies I have ever encountered!!  
7-13-13: Loving the Bumbo seat.  
Enjoying the nice weather out on the deck!  

 Have you EVER seen such an adorable sailor?  I didn't think so.  
Look who is an expert at tummy time now!  Eric witnessed TWO roll overs; Madelyn went from her tummy to her back.  We haven't seen it in a few weeks now, nor were we able to catch it on video, but she can do it!

Madelyn went for a visit to the Andersons.  Kara, Erik and Evan babysat Madelyn while Mommy and Daddy went out on a date to a wedding!  Evan was such a big helper, showing her how to touch her toes, singing to her and putting blankets over her to make sure she wasn't cold.
Lounging in the tub, just don't tell Madelyn it's only a tub...she thinks she's at the spa.

Me, Eric and Madelyn went out to check out the Warren Farmers Market.  It was a nice Sunday morning family activity and Madelyn got to play in the splash area with the big kids!  She liked watching the water shoot out of the ground!  

 Madelyn LOVES to play in her musical exersaucer!  Her feet don't touch the floor yet, but she doesn't care!  She hits the keys, shakes the microphone and ROCKS OUT! She takes requests and will play whatever you want; she is really good at writing original songs too!  :)

Watching the garden grow....

Watching the tree....and the sky.....

"Would ya look at that....."  Watching whatever it is she was looking at.....

Yes that is a big line of drool coming from Madelyn's mouth.  Everything gets covered in drool, Madelyn's clothes, toys, our clothes.  But she is the cutest little drooler :)
" this thing on?  I'd like to thank you all for coming to check out my blog, I'd like to give a shout out to my friends and family, I love you all."