Sunday, August 25, 2013

8-25-13: What is in a name?

As parents, many of you can remember the joyous process of choosing a name for your child. Having a list of possibilities, narrowing it down to a few, and then on that special day choosing one that was just right for your precious baby.  If you are not a parent I can tell you this is an exciting, stressful, and important decision, at least it was for Eric and I.  

This brings me to the purpose of this post.  

It has been brought to our attention multiple times that people have a desire to give Madelyn a name other than the one we gave her.  

In a society that seems to thrive on nicknames, Eric and I believe a nickname is something someone should grow into, and choose to go by it if they like.  That is the option Madelyn will have when she is older. We have  not given her a nickname, which means no one else has the option of doing it either.  Luckily everyone has the option of having their own child, or pet, and naming/nicknaming them whatever they choose! :)

Some people have been polite about this, some have been rude, and some have just taken it upon themselves to call Madelyn whatever they choose.  This post is not intended to strike up a conversation about it when we see you next, purely to be read, understood and respected. 

We love you all,
Kristie, Eric & Madelyn

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