Thursday, August 8, 2013

July 9, 2013 - July 29, 2013

 At just over 3 months we still have one of the happiest babies I have ever encountered!!  
7-13-13: Loving the Bumbo seat.  
Enjoying the nice weather out on the deck!  

 Have you EVER seen such an adorable sailor?  I didn't think so.  
Look who is an expert at tummy time now!  Eric witnessed TWO roll overs; Madelyn went from her tummy to her back.  We haven't seen it in a few weeks now, nor were we able to catch it on video, but she can do it!

Madelyn went for a visit to the Andersons.  Kara, Erik and Evan babysat Madelyn while Mommy and Daddy went out on a date to a wedding!  Evan was such a big helper, showing her how to touch her toes, singing to her and putting blankets over her to make sure she wasn't cold.
Lounging in the tub, just don't tell Madelyn it's only a tub...she thinks she's at the spa.

Me, Eric and Madelyn went out to check out the Warren Farmers Market.  It was a nice Sunday morning family activity and Madelyn got to play in the splash area with the big kids!  She liked watching the water shoot out of the ground!  

 Madelyn LOVES to play in her musical exersaucer!  Her feet don't touch the floor yet, but she doesn't care!  She hits the keys, shakes the microphone and ROCKS OUT! She takes requests and will play whatever you want; she is really good at writing original songs too!  :)

Watching the garden grow....

Watching the tree....and the sky.....

"Would ya look at that....."  Watching whatever it is she was looking at.....

Yes that is a big line of drool coming from Madelyn's mouth.  Everything gets covered in drool, Madelyn's clothes, toys, our clothes.  But she is the cutest little drooler :)
" this thing on?  I'd like to thank you all for coming to check out my blog, I'd like to give a shout out to my friends and family, I love you all."

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