Monday, July 15, 2013

June 28, 2013 - July 8, 2013

Well, the Madelyn update so far is as follows:
*Madelyn still Love getting dressed up, as shown below in her jean skirt and sassy sandals. 
*Quiet in the Hergott house is a thing of the past, Madelyn loves to sing and coo all the time, if you sing with her she will chime right in not missing a beat!
*Madelyn is quick to jump right up with assistance during playtime; she loves to stand and practice her footwork, and she is great at it!
*School is going well for Madelyn, I've been told she is such an easy going baby; every time I leave her she is smiling and when she's picked up she is playing or sleeping happily.
*The teething process has begun; although it may be awhile before a tooth makes its appearance, they are there and bothering her. As you will see in many of the photos everything (especially Madelyns hands) finds it's way to Madelyns mouth.  Toys, clothes, blankets, anything that will reach ends up getting chewed on and everything she has on gets drooled on.  Mommy and Daddy get drooled on a lot too.

 Lounging in her bouncy, Madelyn loves getting cozy and just hanging out with her Mom and Dad!
Relaxing after a nice warm bath.
"Ready to go hang out with some other babies at Making Music Mondays!"

 Madelyn and I went to Making Music Mondays at the Village outdoor mall in Rochester, she had fun listening to the music, and I helped her with the dancing :)  Here she is with the little flag all the kids were given to wave while they dance!  She couldn't figure out the waving part, but she held it really well!

 Wiped out from Music Monday, I couldn't even get her sleep sack on she was so tired out.

 Although she can't roll over just yet,she has been caught rolling onto her side in her crib all by herself!

 Spirit day at school for the Fourth of July, here she is sporting her red, white and blue!
"Woah!  Look at the time!  I've got to get to school!"
 Happy Fourth of July from the Hergotts!  Eric and I were able to have a nice day with Madelyn and take her 3 month photos!  We got some family pictures professionally taken in Royal Oak and I will post those when we receive them. I picked some of our favorites that we took of Madelyn (it was hard, we liked and took a lot) and posted them below, enjoy!!

 Me and my sweet girl 
 Daddy and Madelyn
"I think I saw a firework Dad!"

Someone likes to act like a big girl and try to hold her own bottle when Daddy feeds her...

 Happy 3 month birthday Madelyn Rose!

"Photoshoots make me sleepy..."

"Hey Mom, wait, I've gotta tell you something!"

 7-7-13, Madelyn got to meet her Great Aunt Karen who was visiting from the Bahamas!
 Big girl, Daddy likes to show off her skills, with something to lean on she was standing all on her own!  We were very impressed.  She's got great leg muscles and loves to use them and make them nice and strong!

"Thanks for my first tutu Aunt Karen!  Mom had a hard time taking my picture in it because I love to pick it up and put it in my mouth!"

7-8-13, Bye bye till next time from Madelyn!

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