Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 18, 2013 - June 28, 2013

6-19-13:  3 months old is quickly approaching and Eric and I have enjoyed seeing all of Madelyn's growth and advances in everything that she does.  Madelyn has gotten better at lifting her head on her own while on her belly, as well as supporting her own head almost completely on her own most of the time while being held!  Madelyn loves to take in her surroundings, whether we are inside or outside she is constantly looking around.

Madelyn loves her crib.  She is a pretty good sleeper and lets us know when she is sleepy and ready to go and lay down.  Sometimes she will spend almost an hour just laying in her crib and talking to herself; Eric and I get to enjoy A LOT of talking over the monitor, especially around 4 in the morning.  
Our happy ducky smiling for the camera!

Madelyn LOVES her activity mat.  Occasionally when it's time to take a nap we catch her just staring at it, longing to grab the rings and shake the rattles...Mommy even got extra rings for it which provides hours of entertainment (entertainment for Madelyn, and also for Eric and I to watch her)!!

Madelyn loves to look at that adorable baby she sees in that mirror.
Once Madelyn was able to sleep with her arms out she took full advantage of the extra stretching.
"Mom, I thought I was supposed to cut the grass with Dad today, why am I strapped to you?"
Hanging out as a family outside, enjoying this great Michigan summer!!

Making goofy faces with Daddy

Snuggle time!
I joined a Moms group called March Mammas, it's all babies born around March, so Madelyn will be able to meet up with other babies her age!  (I also enjoy talking with other moms who have babies Madelyns age :)
"Mom, I'm all dressed and ready to go, I thought we were supposed to meet other babies today!!!"

"These are my friends, Josh, Elaina, and Ben.  I love hanging out with babies my own age!  We play on the blanket, we have tummy time, we smile and drool at each other, all while our moms talk about us!"

Madelyn thought that if she sat on Izzie maybe she would take her for a ride.  Izzie  is a good sport.

Playing on Dads phone, "Maybe one day I'll have one of these so I can chat with my friends from March Mammas....."

"Folding laundry is tough work, it's always hard to find the pair to my little socks!

Madelyn still loves getting dressed up, she loves adding her own style to her pretty little dresses and skirts by wearing her converse with them!
Mommy tried to sneak a picture of story time with Daddy, I was caught by Madelyn who sees all.

6-27-13:  Play date with cousin Evan!  Evan was so nice to share his toys and help Madelyn with the play-doh!
 Madelyn is getting excited to meet her new cousin Baby Anderson when he arrives in August!

 Mommy and Madelyn saying CHEESE for the camera!
6-28-13, After a hard day of playing, napping and eating Madelyn loves a little diaper play time!  She is busy cooing and wiggling around on her blanket and her daddy and I have been practicing her rolling over with her!

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