Monday, June 17, 2013

June 7, 2013 - June 17, 2013 Happy Fathers Day!

June has been flying by as summers usually do in Michigan.  Madelyn has been very busy learning new things and making new friends!  Madelyn attended TWO graduation parties, played outside, started napping every day in her crib, had her first "official" babysitter, celebrated her Daddy's first fathers day, and much much more!
6-7-13 Madelyn got to take her Bumbo seat for its first test drive.  She has been so good holding her head up, that with a little help from her special chair she gets to sit like a big girl!  Madelyn was sitting in her chair all by herself at the door when her Daddy came home, he was so surprised and proud of her!

Like father like daughter sitting on the couch.
6-8-13 Madelyn attended her first graduation party!  She enjoyed watching the bigger kids play in the bouncy!

"Hey do you guys have room for one more in there?"
Madelyn still enjoys her baths!
"OOH Dad! I'm not camera ready!!

June 11, 2013:  The weather has been beautiful and we got a family photo outside in our backyard, Izzie even made it in the picture!

Madelyn loves being close to nature....being outside in just her diaper and a blanket is one of her favorite things to do
"Dad, Dad, tell me a joke Dad!"

Our goofy girl is always sticking her tongue out at the camera!  She knows when she is being silly and loves to make Eric and I laugh!

6-14-13:  Madelyn just couldn't wait till fathers day to give her Daddy one of his presents, she told him he could open just this one.....
"Here Dad, I got you this, it's a book."

 ...The best kind of book for her Daddy!  Madelyn loved hearing all about Star Wars from her Daddy and looks forward to watching all the movies with him one day.

Chillin in her swing
 Madelyn loves getting dressed up, but just like any other women sometimes she has a hard time deciding on what to wear..
"Mom, should I wear the white bow with this outfit....

or the pink one?  What do you think?  Lets ask  Dad what he thinks."
Madelyn worked very hard on Fathers Day gifts, she even made Eric a craft!  Above you can see she was having a really fun time painting!
"I picked this one out Dad.  Smile, moms taking a picture." 
Madelyn made Eric a mold of her foot!  She was very proud to show it off!  In this pic her Daddy is wearing the cool new rain jacket she got him too!
Daddy's girl
 Happy Fathers Day!!  Here is Madelyn with her Grandpa Ellis on Fathers Day.

 Fathers Day family photo

"Thanks for checking out my blog update everyone!  See you next time!"

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