Wednesday, June 5, 2013

May 28, 2013 - June 5, 2013 - Happy 2 months!

With her 2 month birthday quickly approaching Madelyn has continued to impress us as she grows.  She is showing her personality more and more every day as she plays, laughs and smiles.  We are reminded every day that it, "goes by so fast," so here are some of the moments we have been enjoying with her! :)
"I make this diaper look good"
 When Madelyn isn't lounging around in her diaper, she loves getting dressed up.  She knows when she looks good and she is more than happy to show it off for the camera.

Madelyn loves wearing pretty dresses!

To everyone's complete amazement, Madelyn does cry....but she looks cute even when she does that...

Crying makes her sleepy.....
 Madelyn loves watching basketball with her Dad.  She is pretty independent and likes to sit up like a big girl with him (with some assistance of course :).

"Did you see that Dad?!  What a great game."

Keepin it casual in her diaper

Sometimes Madelyn is a little more modest when she is just hanging around the house, and she likes to sport her bathrobe.

Tummy time has been very impressive lately.  Madelyn loves to shake her toys, and chew on things while she plays on her belly!
 Happy 2 months to our baby girl!!!
"Oh wow, look at that, I'm 2 months old!"

"That's right everyone, 2 months old today!"
For Madelyn's 2 month bday, she requested we take a walk and play on her activity mat like usual, she didn't want any special attention. :)

Doctor said Madelyn looked great; great eye contact, smiling and interacting well, and growing healthy and strong!  She weighed in at 11lb 11oz, and 23 inches long!
Madelyn was brave even during the shots she received, after the tears dried she was back to smiling and enjoying the rest of her night!

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