Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 19, 2013 - May 27, 2013

We enjoyed a nice family dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Hergotts house!  Madelyn got to visit with her cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents!  Thanks to my brother-in-law Ken for the nice family photos that day!  It's nice when we have someone to take a picture of the 3 of us and Madelyn loves having her photo taken! :)

May 19, 2013 

Our happy baby, our "little ducky," as we call her :)  

"My Dad is such a great dancer, here I am practicing my moves so I can keep up with him on the dance floor!"

"Car rides make me so sleepy!"

Madelyn got to meet her Great Aunt Mary and Great Uncle Mike!  We had a nice visit and look forward to seeing them again soon!

Here are lots of pictures of the beautiful smile we get to enjoy!  Madelyn loves playtime, she has started to hold onto some of her toys and she really gets a kick out of her activity mat!

"This is where I spend time playing after I eat; there are all sorts of neat things to look at, kick and reach for and I get better at it every day!"

Shortly after an intense playtime, comes nap time.  Madelyn loves to snuggle up and catch some ZZZzzzz's

"I'm not a messy eater I promise...ok sometimes when Dad gives me a bottle my clothes end up wet.  Is that why Mom and Dad started putting this contraption around my neck?!"
Taking a walk with Mommy!

Caught with her tongue out!

May 26, 2013 we all got together to celebrate my moms birthday!  
Happy Birthday Mom!
My sister and me with our babies!  (Future Baby Anderson is in this picture too!)
My first "baby," Milo, loves Madelyn!
Never gets old seeing my sister and family gatherings!  Madelyn is so lucky to have her Aunt Kara around!

 Madelyn got to meet her Great Grandpa Bergmooser!

The loves of my life
"Daddy wears his socks up high and so do I!"
First nap in the crib!  We decided to ease into the crib transition starting with some naps during the day.  Madelyn looks so little in there! :)
Watching baseball with Daddy
Happy Memorial Day, Madelyn is very thankful and proud of all who  have served for our country 

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