Thursday, May 9, 2013

Weeks 2 and 3...

We started to venture outside for short periods as the weather started to warm up.  Although it was gray and rainy for about a week after Madelyn was born, we made sure to take advantage of any short amount of sunlight and decent temperatures to get out and get some fresh air!
 Madelyn, from day one you had the most beautiful big eyes, your gaze was adorable, and you would often just look around with cute expressions on your face leaving us all wondering, "What is she thinking??"

Big thanks to Aunt Katie for the great pictures of our beautiful girl!

"Wow, my dad is pretty cool."

Here is a milestone, Madelyns first bottle!!  After about a week or so Eric began to give Madelyn a bottle of my milk each night; it was a great bonding experience for them.  It was also adorable to watch.  Madelyn would just stare up at him the whole time.  Here is a picture of her in her favorite PJs.  We called her our little ducky, these pjs happened to have little duckies on them :)

Meeting cousin Lilly

 More from one of her photoshoots with Aunt Katie, Madelyn took to the camera well, just like her mom and dad :)

Strong head and neck!! Here is our little over achiever showing off.

Madelyn was still having visitors come over to welcome her into the world!  It was so nice how many people were excited to come and see her, one day she will look back at all the pictures with her visitors and feel very loved :)
Our friends came all the way from Pittsburgh to meet Madelyn!! It was so nice, here is the Jacobs family with Madelyn.
Aunt Janice and Charlotte
Great Grandma Bean
Great Grandma Hergott

Grandma and Grandpa Hergott

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