Sunday, May 12, 2013

 This week I turn 1 month old!!  So much has changed for me in the past month.  I have mastered play time, which includes laying on my blanket and cooing, grabbing a toy occasionally, and the ever so fun, "tummy time."  


Here I am with my buds, I'm going to love watching Star Wars with my  Dad.

Madelyn and Izzie have formed a relationship; for the most part Izzie ignores Madelyn, but, when Madelyn cries from the other room Izzie goes to her.  Izzie will look at us when she cries as if to say, "are you going to get that or should I?"  When I wake up at night to feed Madelyn, Izzie loves to follow us around, which is very thoughtful of her.

My favorite thing to do....

Madelyn could stare at her daddy for hours.  She loves listening to his voice and just gazes up at him....

Happy 1 Month Birthday!!!!
This was by far the most amazing month of our lives.  We have enjoyed every second, (even when we were stuck up late, dealing with a gassy grumpy baby :).  Everything she does is adorable, and it's so much fun watching her change and grow.  

At Madelyns 1 month appointment she weighed 10lbs 6oz, and was 21.5 inches long!  Thats up 1lb and 2 inches from when she was born.  Her doctor told us she had a PERFECTLY shaped head (thanks to tummy time and such a strong neck holding up that head...I also like to take a little bit of credit for that perfectly shaped, and very large, head.:))

Playing with her cousin Evan!  Evan was very nice to Madelyn, he raced cars around her blanket held her toys above her head for her to look at!

I love taking family walks!

We have enjoyed many more smiles lately, not just gassy smiles, but real smiles, and occasionally a little giggle!

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