Thursday, May 9, 2013

Madelyn Rose Hergotts Birthday! 4-5-13

On Friday, April 5, 2013, at 5:15 pm our lives were forever changed when we 
became a family of 3, (4 including Izzie :)  After an exciting 9 months, leading up to a very long 3 days at Troy Beaumont Hospital, Madelyn Rose Hergott was born.
Madelyn, you had decided you would be 9 days late, and although your dad and I were anxious and excited to meet you, we just wanted you to be healthy and come when you were ready.  You were born a very healthy baby at 9lb 6oz, 19.5 inches long.  

The nurse who took care of you right when you were born was very impressed at how strong you were Madelyn!!

Daddy holding your hand right after you were born
 Daddy followed you from the moment you were born, and he stayed by your side as the nurse examined you and cared for you.  Daddy was there taking your picture and admiring his beautiful baby girl.


When they brought you to me I couldn't believe you were finally here.  You looked perfect, you were more amazing than I had even imagined, and I was so happy to finally be holding my baby girl.

Our first family photo, Eric, Kristie, and Madelyn Hergott

Everyone who saw your photos right after you were born commented on how alert you were.  Your eyes were wide open and you were taking everything in. 

You had a few visitors after you were born, they had been waiting in the waiting room for your arrival, very excited to come meet and hold you!
Grandma Hergott

Grandma Ellis

Grandpa Hergott
 Later that night you had your very first, "bath."  You loved it!  

Here you are loving the warm light they put on you!

All clean!  Just relaxing, you looked so cute in your little t-shirt!!
Well, that brings us to the end of your first day!  There were so many emotions wrapped into one day, all of the waiting, had come to an end.  We decided very quickly that you were the best thing we had ever done.  You were beautiful and we loved you more than anything already.

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