Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week 1

Our first week at home with Madelyn was great.  Eric got to take some time off work and the 3 of us got to bond and spend time with each other.  We could sit and watch Madelyn for hours, everything about her was so new and exciting and we were taking it all in together.

Daddy's  Princess

We had decided that bath time would be family time.  Madelyn LOVED her sponge baths!  She especially loved having her hair washed, she would get very relaxed just like she was at the salon!  Eric and I really enjoyed this bonding time as a family.

I love this pic of you holding my finger in the car!!!  heading to your 1 week check up at the doctor!

Visit from the Ferns Family 

Aunt Jane came for a visit!!
Visit from the Dull Family

From the beginning Madelyn had a wonderful, "sleep laugh."  Mid nap, she would just break into a  laughing expression, sometimes what sounded like a giggle would even come out!  Needless to say, it was adorable.

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