Monday, December 23, 2013

Madelyns' first Christmas is coming!

 11-29-13 Setting up the Christmas tree!  After a nice nap Madelyn put on her Christmas attire and we got in the holiday mood!  At first, she was afraid of the tree; with no lights it is just big and intimidating.  But, once it was decorated she loved the shining lights and ornaments.

Santas little helpers!
Hanging the first ornament of 2013!
12-1-13 Mini Christmas photo shoot!  Christmas tutu, santa hat, adorable can you not just take a bunch of pictures!

"Mom take the pictures of me gazing into the distance."  Madelyn didn't really want to look at the camera, she liked this angle instead.

Merry Christmas from the Hergotts! A first of many family Christmas pictures we managed to have some nice enough weather to set the camera up and snap this great photo.  The holidays are always a special time of year, but this year Eric and I are definitely thankful to have such a sweet little girl to share it with. 
Diaper fun! Sweet girl with her big brown eyes just lounging in her diaper. 
"Why are we at the doctor so much Mom?"
This winter season has really taken its tole on us in the sick department.  Trying to keep everyone healthy is quite a job! 
 12-5-13 Happy 8 months baby girl!  
Some fun facts:
*You now say Mama, at first it was only when you cried but now you will shout it out or just babble, mamamamamamama.  You say Dada too, but it usually comes out backwards, "Adad."
*Something you've done for months, but continue to do and it gets cuter and cuter every day is play with your hands.  You'll sit, holding them together like a little lady and twiddle your fingers as if you are in deep thought....
*You are determined to pull yourself up on anything.  The couch, a chair, even a toy.  You will put your hands on the toy and get in a squatting position and just squat there pushing up with all your might!
*You give kisses to Mommy and Daddy, which actually looks like you're trying to eat our cheeks or nose, but we are pretty sure that's what you are doing :)
*You love to play with your lips; you smack them, pucker them, suck on them.  It's so fun to watch you discover all the fun things you can do!
"That's right folks! 8 months!"
We get a lot of these happy girl pictures, but they never get old to look at!
Playing with her spoon!  We have figured out that Madelyn loves to eat her toys and play with her food.  
"Where is Santa!?"
The Hergott Family 
 Slightly uncomfortable....Madelyn started off fussy, calmed down for a bit, and then got scared again...
 "Unhand me you big scary man!"
"I'd like, more blocks, some pretty dresses, comfy pj's, endless supply of diapers and milk...oh and can you get my Mommy and Daddy whatever they want too?  Thanks a lot Santa."
Someones sick again :( sick babies love to snuggle and Mommy and Daddy are more than happy to accommodate.
12-18-13 Madelyn gave us quite the scare.  She was very sick and wouldn't eat which sent us to the emergency room. She is a trooper and of course was all smiles for the doctor and nurses in her little hospital gown.  Madelyn ended up getting an IV with some fluids and was told to get lots of R&R the next few days.
Sick babies don't have to comb their hair.

Our little family had a rough 2 weeks or so filled with car troubles, a sick baby and to top it off Mommy and Daddy got sick too!  Christmas is almost here!  We are determined to all be healthy and enjoy a nice holiday together!   But no matter what, these rough times make us even more thankful to have each other; who better to be with during rough times than the ones you love?  

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