Monday, December 23, 2013

Nov 18, 2013 - Nov 22, 2013 Just playing!

11-18-13 Madelyn your favorite toy has been this box with blocks for awhile now, you love chewing on the blocks and the lid.  Another thing you love to do is tap the blocks on things; you pretty much like to just tap your toys together, tap them on the table, tap them on us...

Beep Beep!  Look out!  Someone got a little car and they LOVE to be behind the wheel!

What a sweetheart, you got all dressed and ready to go and see your Grandma Ellis before she had surgery!  All the doctors and nurses there loved you and you definitely brought a smile to your Grandmas face. 

11-22-13 Spirit week at school!  This was "Flashback Friday," and you went all dressed in your 80's best!

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