Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy 10 Months Madelyn!

1-17-14 We love Daddy snuggles, especially when we are sad and sleepy 
Early birthday celebration dinner for Mommy!
Blueberry face!  I love getting pictures like these from your school throughout the day!

1-22-14 Happy birthday Mommy!!!!  Daddy went out and got all of Moms favorite foods for a special birthday dinner!

More Daddy snuggles lead to some crazy hair!!!!  

You love to stand at the back door and look out the window.  I think you forget what the outdoors looks like when it isn't covered in snow.  The only outdoors you see is the quick walk to and from the car!  This has been the coldest, most snow filled winter that I can remember in a long time!  So far we have had 67.9 inches of snow!  That is 42 inches more than we normally have!  And with wind chills dipping down below -10 it has been a rough winter!  I promise it'll get nice out and we will enjoy the outdoors again!

Arts and crafts with Mommy!  Since we are stuck inside I try to do fun little activities with you, here we were making some sensory bottles which you like to look at and play with!
1-26-14 Daddy took Mommy out for a dinner date to celebrate Mommies birthday!  You love your babysitter Miss Justina and had all sorts of fun playing in a box and getting pulled around the house in it!

1-28-14 First pony tail!  You look adorable here in your little leg warmers with your side pony!
You and your best friend Ellie were really rockin at school!  It was so cute that you guys formed your own little band :)
2-1-14 dinner with the Ferns family!  You had a lot of fun playing with Michael and Michelle!
This is usually how I have to get ready for work in the morning.  You love to sit with me while I do my hair and make up, and it has really improved my multi-tasking skills.
Beautiful girl.   
As mentioned earlier, you love standing at the back door, you also love putting your mouth all over it.  I think the cold feels good on your mouth, and it's adorable to watch!
Lunch time at school!!!

 2-4-14 First pig tails!! The teachers at school are very talented at doing your hair and also taking pictures!

Madelyn and her bestie, most popular girls at school.

 Happy 10 months Madelyn Rose!  Here are some fun 10 month facts about you!
- You LOVE books right now.  I keep a few of the big board books in every room and you love to sit and turn the pages.  You also like to put one under each and and push them as you crawl, I call them your hand skis.
- You FINALLY seem more interested in the delicious food I'm making you.  A few fun things you've enjoyed are, pumpkin with banana, grilled cheese, peaches with blueberries and some of my home made spaghetti sauce!!
- At the doctor last week you weighed 18lb 10oz, and you're approx 28.5 inches long.  You are now around the 65th percentile, you're our petite little lady!!
- I caught you chewing on your crib a few days ago; I walked in and you had little brown shavings all over your mouth!! Those teeth...such a pain.  Well, since your crib will turn into your bed one day, now you will know why there are teeth marks on the side.
- You LOVE walking around with your walker, as you walk you yell, bababababa!!! Once you get to a wall, Daddy or I turn you around and you go back the other way, this cycle continues for 5 or 6 trips across the room.
- You have little plastic letters that you love to hold most of the time while you play.  You also like one in your mouth while you crawl around or push your walker.  It's very cute as you crawl by with the letter, "D," sticking out of your mouth!

Brush, brush, brush!  Brushing your teeth with Daddy!
2-8-14 Pajama Saturday!! You are so precious crawling around in your pjs and your pig tails!  

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