Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our baby is 11 months and sweeter than ever!

2/16/14 "Will this winter ever end!?  I'm sick of just looking out this window at whatever that white stuff is!  I want to take a walk and play out there!"
Taking a stroll with her walker
"Do I have something on my face?"  
2/10/14 Having fun at a March-ish Mamas play date!  We love getting together with our baby friends and seeing how everyone is growing.  Now that the babies are more mobile it's so much fun to watch them interact with each others and see their personalities coming through!  Our group pictures have gotten harder to take (see below...) The babies would rather crawl around and investigate than get their pictures taken!
Daddy!  Daddy loves Tuesdays when Mama works late and he gets to pick up his sweet baby girl from school!  
Letters in the mouth!  While playing or walking around Madelyn still loves to have a single letter in her mouth.
This sweet girl knows how to get lots of love and attention...

 2/14/14 Happy Valentines Day!  We got a beautiful Valentine from Madelyn that she made at school!  (Receiving this explained why a week prior she came hone with sparkles between her toes...sneaky girl :)

Madelyn you LOVE your teachers at school, Alicia and Justina are MORE than we could have ever asked for.  They send us pictures of you just playing and being goofy at school and it makes our day to see your beautiful face!

First she was class clown room 126...NOW it looks like shes after the title of Class Clown Room 128!
"I don't see milk on this menu!"  Madelyn enjoyed her first dinner out with Mommy and Daddy at Buffalo Wild Wings, she was very well behaved and enjoyed all the people watching!
Book on the head!  Just like Daddy!  
New play spot,  Madelyn had fun playing in her "fort" under the table.
Teeth brushing selfie!  Madelyn really understands the importance of oral hygiene and makes sure to brush (and mostly just chew on her toothbrush) every day!

2/20/14 Madelyn got to go swimming with her friend Josh!  Madelyn had only been swimming once over the summer when she was about 3 months old, so I wasn't really sure how she would do or if she would be afraid.  I quickly realized I had NO reason to be concerned.  She was splashing, putting her face in the water, kicking her legs and even paddling her arms as soon as we got in the water!  She was even trying to push away from me, thinking she could swim on her own!  Guess we will have to get to the pool more often, looks like we have a swimmer on our hands!
Josh: "Hey Madelyn, are you having fun swimming?"  Madelyn:  "ARE YOU KIDDING JOSH?! FUN?! I'M HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE!!!"

My little Ducky
Just chillin in the pool like a couple of big kids!
Always eager to help with the laundry!

Nothing like reading a good book...naked.

Always ready for a good laugh!  You have learned how to roll the ball back and forth with me and Daddy!


Happy 11 Month Birthday Madelyn!!! March 5, 2014 you turned 11 months and you have learned a lot in just one month!  Here are some of the new skills and moments we have been lucky enough to enjoy with you!
*You have mastered the sippy cup and also a cup with a straw!  When you first figured it out we  knew you got it because water would just run out of your mouth after a big sip :)
*You are very good at playing by yourself; even your teachers at school have complimented you on how well you entertain yourself and are happy just playing with a toy or book.
*Your favorite food is grilled cheese!!! You love it!  Even when you see me making one you get excited and can't wait to grab pieces and start eating it!  To change it up sometimes we make them with turkey, or chicken and even throw in a quesadilla to be fancy!
*You give Mommy and Daddy the best hugs.  Sometimes you will just crawl over, pull yourself up put your head on our shoulder and hug us.  You also give us kisses, but haven't figured out to close your mouth so they can be messy!
*Walking with your walker gets you much farther now that you have learned to turn it yourself when you hit a wall or obstacle; you now just crawl up to your walker, pull yourself up and get moving all over the house!
*You grab your toy phone and now know to put it up to your ear
*Your fine motor skills have really improved and now you strategically hit buttons on toys, push your cars around the floor and turn the pages in your books.
*You wave hello and goodbye, your hand is usually backwards facing you, but you're doing it!
Waving bye bye!  Until next time! :)

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