Monday, March 31, 2014

The adventures of Madelyn

3-6-14  All ready to cheer for Michigan State when March Madness begins!
3-8-14 Mmmmmm pancakes are yummy!!
Family walk!  We try to take advantage of the few days that are warm enough for a quick walk to get some fresh air!
"I can walk really good when I'm holding my Mommy and Daddy's hands!  I'm just not ready to let go yet!"
She usually has her nose in a book
"helping," Mama in the kitchen

3-13-14 Mama and Madelyn selfies!  

Play date!  We have been making it more regularly to some March-ish Mamas play dates.  Now that you all get around so well it's so much fun to get you all together and watch you just have a good time together!

Daring little girl, you wanted to hang on the bar just like the boys!

Bath time!  You like to stand by your tub and watch us prepare your bath.  You also like throwing toys in the tub and watching the water come out of the spout!

Family swim date at the Warren Community Center!

Higher Daddy, higher!
Play date with the march mamas and daddies got to come!!! Madelyn was so proud to be with her daddy in front of all of her friends!
So happy to be just like daddy :)

More reading...Madelyn likes to enjoy a good book while she gets dressed.

 Having a baby means you never have to grocery shop alone!  Grocery shopping is definitely a lot more interesting, can't pull too close to the isle or Madelyn will grab things, and she usually points at people that walk by.

 Daddy gets home from work and it's time to play!  
 Play date!  This time the ladies outnumbered the boys!
Lately, everything has found a way up your nose

Dress up with Mama!
 3-30-14 Alright, we have hit above 40 degrees!  Time to talk your walker for a spin outside!  You LOVED IT!  You handled the pavement like a champ and laughed and chased Izzie down the sidewalk!
3-31-14  Happy Opening Day!  Go Tigers!  You must have brought them luck Madelyn because they won!
 Busy day, we went to Goldfish to go swimming with the March-ish Mamas and all of your friends!
Biggest turn out at a play date yet; there were six babies there! 
 Once we got home it was time to take another walk outside, today it got to 58 degrees!  It was so sunny you even needed to wear your shades!

This is what confidence looks like....

Once you discovered the leaves you were uninterested in walking anymore.  You stopped to pick up any leaf you could and then would wave them around, eventually toss it and watch it blow away.

Only 5 more days until you turn 1 year old sweet girl! 

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