Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June 2014 in Madelyns world

Madelyn you are a lucky girl to have a Daddy who loves you as much as yours does.  You are his little sweetie :)

Fathers day craft for Daddy!  Cement stepping stones!  Madelyn loved mixing the cement and putting her hands and feet into it.
"Throw me higher Daddy!"
 June 15, 2014
Dear Daddy,
Happy fathers day.  I love that you're my daddy because you're silly and fun to play with.  You throw me up high in the air and I always know you will catch me.  I love you because you're so strong you can pick me up and carry me anywhere, and hold me until I fall asleep.  I love it when you make silly noises with me, or tickle me to make me laugh so hard I have tears in my eyes.  I love playing with you and Izzie, especially when I get to throw the ball.
I'm so lucky to have you as my daddy because I know that you will love me and protect me forever, and you will always be there to laugh with and hold me when I cry.  You're my hero daddy, and I love you so much.
Xo, Madelyn

Fathers day at Uncle Danny and Aunt Katies was your first boat ride!  You were a little scared but were brave and had a good time!
Daring girl here, sometimes she thinks she is in the circus working as an acrobat. 
You are a regular at the Warren splash pad Madelyn, you love just running through the water and the fountains.
First time in the big girl tub! 

Date with Mama at the splash pad
Our wonderful family June 22, 2014
Your cousins Kenny and Lilly showed you how to play on a big play structure!  You are eager to keep up and you're doing great!
Splash pads are more fun with friends your size!  We met your friend Maggie and you both had fun playing in the water with your buckets and trucks.
Aunt Kara, Evan, Tyler, Mommy and you packed up Aunt Karas car and headed to Illinois for a visit with the Fox family!  car seats, pack and plays, clothes and lots of snacks had us packed in tight and you were a trooper the whole way.  Mama sat in the way back with Evan passing you guys snacks and toys keeping you entertained, and it was a lot of work but it was worth it for such a nice visit with our family!

Car buddy!
Wagon buddy! 
Fun with Kaitlyn, Megan and Courtney!  You thought these girls were so cool and wanted to run around and show off to them.

Wow, thanks Evan for a ride in the barbie jeep!  Madelyn, you were smiles the whole time!
We had a fun time at the children's museum; the had all sorts of different themed rooms with different activities and things to touch and play with.

Bath buddy!

Your cousin Kaitlyn is a very talented musician, she performed a few songs for us and had us all dancing before bed time!
Your buddy Megan loved watching you and you loved the attention from her.  You had your first trip to an arcade during our visit, thanks Uncle Jim for the unlimited gaming!  You also had your first time in a photo booth, you and Megan got some cute pics!

Lunch break on the way home the three of you reminisced on your days in Chicago and talked about future travel plans you would like to make.  The ride home was rough, with traffic, a diaper blow out ( I wont name names, Mr. T...), and iced water thrown on me (Mr. T...), but we had a great time and a wonderful visit with our family! 
Dinner and a bath at the Andersons before heading home from our nice trip
Upon returning home you couldn't wait to get back to the splash pad to make sure it was just the way you left it....
We had a busy month of June and we look forward to more fun in the sun in July!

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