Friday, August 15, 2014

Splashin through summer having a great time!

7/2/14  Madelyn loves helping Daddy rake his horse shoe pits.
Bathing beauty

You can see by all the water pictures. We have a fish on our hands, Madelyn has no fear and loves to swim and splash around as often as possible!
Me and my number one girl; I've said it before, I just can't get enough of this sweet girl.
Madelyn has perfected getting up onto her slide all by herself, she gets to the slide and proudly says, "sit down," sits, then takes off down the slide.  
Our little lady, demonstrating how NOT to sit in a high chair.  Madelyn for some reason you insist on having one leg up while you eat, a habit we will have to correct eventually but, for now we just let you keep it casual :)
7-12-14 Daycare had a fair!  You played all sorts of games and had a blast partying with your teachers and friends!
You and your bestie Ellie smiling for some shots in the photo booth!
Cutest pig tails!  Your hair is so beautiful sweetheart.  It has grown in perfectly, it's full and you let us put it in pony tails and even came home from daycare with 2 little french braids one day!!
You and your buddy Maggie chillin at the playground.  You love the slides here, and ride down with Mommy, you also have grown fond of the swing and yell, "Weeeee!!!!" (which usually comes out sounding like, "Bweeeee") while swinging back and forth :)

Being silly, Daddy and Madelyn just playing in a box!
Hard day at work, stressful day, no matter what is going on coming home to this makes everything better.  My sweet girl falling asleep in my arms.  I could have sat here forever.
Your new favorite spot in the have now learned to crawl all the way up to the back of the couch and sit and stare out the window.  You point at squirrels and and wave at people passing by.  How could you not smile if you walked by and saw this???
More swimming!!!  You are one lucky girl that you have so many friends Madelyn.  Your friend Josh invited us swimming at his swim club; you were jumping in off the side of the pool, putting your face in the water, going down a slide into the water, you were up for anything!  Josh and his mom were very impressed at what a good swimmer you are!

Front row seat for a crazy summer storm.  It was hailing and raining like crazy when I found you at the screen door putting your face to it and rubbing water into your hair.  So we closed the door and got your chair so you could watch the storm!

Nice days like this turn into playground playdates with Mommy and some friends.  We like to meet your friend Maggie and her mom and I jog around the playground then let you girls loose to have fun climbing the play structure.

After a nice jog with your Mommies you goof balls love playing together!  We played, "where is your nose, and where is your belly!?"  You girls are good and can show us your ears, hair, nose, belly and mouths!

 8/2/14 a much needed family day at the zoo!   Madelyn your favorite is still the penguin house

Happy sweet 16 months baby girl.  You just continue to get more beautiful every day.  You are so friendly and happy, you're outgoing and funny, you love to make people laugh and make friends everywhere we go.  You love to grab your purse and keys, walk to the door and wave bye bye to Daddy and me.  You have gone potty on the toilet twice, all on your own you've wanted to sit on there and go potty all by yourself! You impress us every day.  

Madelyn, on July 13, 2014, your Great Grandma Hergott left us to go to heaven where she will watch over you forever.  We were very lucky to have some nice visits with her before she passed, and seeing you always brightened up her day.  

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