Wednesday, November 5, 2014

October 2014 fun, we love Halloween and fall fun!

 9-26-14 Sorry for the embarrassing picture sweetheart, but this was just too cute.  Learning new words and how to use the potty at the same time, that's our girl, multitasking.
10/30/14 - FUN with Aunt Katie!!!  Aunt Katie came over to babysit while Mommy and Daddy went to our old house one last time.  You had a blast; Aunt Katie read almost every book you own, she tired you out and you fell asleep in her arms! :)  Aunt Katie must have the magic touch.
Showing Aunt Katie your new favorite play spot in the cup board, good thing Daddy and I are leaving this empty for you to play in, doesn't look like we have much choice.
You LOVE to give hugs and hold hands.  You've always done it with Mama and Dada but lately you will walk up to friends of yours, grab their hand and try to get them to walk with you!  
 10/5/14 HAPPY 18 MONTHS MADELYN!!!!
We now have a 1 1/2 year old!  Super sweet as ever, smart, silly, and beautiful.  
*In the tub, before we splash you with water, Dada and and I count, "One...Two...Three," you've started to imitate that!  It sounds more like, "Ooom, oooh, deeee.."  but, point is, you get it, you're trying, and you're super smart :)
*Still dancing.  Dancing all the time!  You have now started doing a little bit of break dancing, dropping to the floor and spinning your legs around.
*Stats:  25lbs 33 inches tall, for being such a big baby you are becoming our small fry still wearing your 12-18 mo clothing
*Coloring and stickers are a new favorite interest of yours.  We have, "arts and craft station," as we call it; in the basement your pick nick table is set up with your paper supplies, crayons and crafts.  When mommy and daddy go down there to exercise you go to town on your crafts.  All we need to say is, "craft station," and you go running for the basement!
*Bed time routine is adorable, Daddy picks you up to put you to bed, you take out your pacifier to give us both kisses then cuddle up with your monkey.
*Still no hair cut and WOW Madelyn, your hair is beautiful, long, little curls at the end, just beautiful and it gets so many compliments.  We do pony tails, pig tails, little braids, Mama has lots of fun playing with your hair :)
School picture!  What the photographer was doing to make you smile so beautifully I wish I knew Madelyn.  This is the smile that lights up our days.

*cell phone on your wrist, courtesy of Aunt Kara..but, you know not to take calls during family time.
Fun at the park!  We take advantage of any time we can get to a familiar park, or explore somewhere new, Daddy loves going down the slide with you.  You love the swing, and anything new you can climb on and explore.

Big girl, often you insist on taking your bag, my keys, and unlocking the door yourself.  You still require assistance though sweetheart, seeing as you can't reach or turn the key correctly, but it's a start!
More hand holding with your buddies.  So adorable, if you have a friend that isn't playing, you run over and grab their hand to take them with you.  
"Hey mom, get a picture of this, it'll really make dads heart melt."  It sure did sweetheart, when I caught you carrying his picture around and hugging it while he was at work!!
10/11/14 First cider mill trip!!!  You picked up quickly on what to do, picking the apples with help from your big cousins Kenny and Lilly.  (You're only not smiling in this picture because you hadn't seen any apples yet).  

"I'll pick 'em, you eat 'em Dada!"

"Milk and a doughnut is where it's at, why didn't we start with this?!"
Halloween costume pic with your buddies from the March-ish Mamas!  You are all so cute and we are lucky to have so many good friends!
Zoo Boo here we come!!! We love the Zoo all year round, this was our first experience trick or treating at the zoo!  You loved it!  You got to see some animals, wear your costume and collect treats!

Cutest garden gnome I've ever seen.  You got so many compliments on how adorable you are sweetheart :)
"Wheeeee!" You squealed, smiled and waved every time we went past Dada!

"Dada doesn't feel that good Mama, I know he always likes it when you make treats so I'm going to make him cookies." 
Still trying to make the most of some nice fall days to get our fresh air and ride some local slides!
First timer!!  Your second Halloween, but, your first time trick or treating!! You did great!  The weather was cold and rainy, but you walked right up to the doors, reached for the bell (we helped you ring), and even said, "tic teee," a few times!  You got LOTS of candy that Mama and Dada have been enjoying :)

Our sweet little Gnome, such a big girl perfecting her trick or treating!

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