Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

11/1/14  Now this is how you fix a sink.  Madelyn keeps it classy while learning how to be a handy women. 
Family outing!  We like to take you out on the town once and awhile Madelyn, we are trying to teach you manners and how to act appropriately in a restaurant... certain things you do at home; IE, feet on the table, standing on your chair, slamming your cup on the table, are not acceptable behavior.  We are working on it, half the battle is not laughing when you do it!
Hard to belive it's almost winter, we are still having some great days to get outside and go to the park!
My helper, you love to help me vacuum, your also like to load the washer, help Daddy empty his cooler after work, dust your room and fold the laundry.  What would we do without you!?
Family movie night!!!!
Happy birthday Grandpa Dan!!  You all had fun singing to Grandpa and blowing out the candles.
November 18, 2014 was a very sad day for our family.  Our family said goodbye to our sweet, loving, loyal, spunky family member, Izzie.  We will always remember this loyal girl and how devoted she was to our family and she will be missed. 
WE GOT SNOW!!! Finally!! Of course we had to venture out and explore, you enjoyed helping me shovel, of course little helper :)
Happy Thanksgiving 2014!!  We enjoyed a nice turkey dinner at Aunt Mary Kay and Uncle Mikes house with the family!

Having fun with her cousins and Aunt Darcie playing after dinner! 
It's that time of year!  Ready to decorate and set up the tree for the holiday season.
Madelyn you loved hanging the ornaments on the tree once you figured it out.

Heading to see Santa!!! 12/6/14

After seeing her big cousin Evan sit and talk with Santa, Madelyn was eager for her turn to chat with the big guy!

 Look at this cutie.  Madelyn you LOVE the Christmas tree, you wake up every morning and head out to the tree saying, "teeeee," and pointing at it until we turn it on.  A few other fun facts:
*You love hiding, the shower curtain, or the curtain in your closet are your favorite spots
*You are so affectionate, you grab mommy and daddy around the neck and pull us in for big kisses, often, and usually out of no where.
*You started saying, "I love you," which just melts our hearts
*You sing, "Let it Go," from your favorite movie, Frozen.  Your teacher at school says almost daily you start singing it and dancing with your friends!
Cousin fun on a mild December day, collecting pine cones!

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