Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry Christmas! It's been an exciting December!

It's official!  December 15, 2014 Mama and Dada bought you a new house!!!  Get excited, the next few weeks will be packing and moving!!  We are thrilled to start our lives in our new family home :)

Happy birthday Daddy!!!  Madelyn sang, and helped Daddy open up his gift.
Santa's back!!! You got to see Santa again at school and he brought you a present!!

"SMILE!"  This is the cute face we get when we tell you to smile for us :)
Santa likes Frozen too!! He even read your Olaf book with you!
Merry Christmas Eve! We celebrated at the Kotenkos house, you got to play with Kenny and Lilly, Uncle Mike brought his guitar and you got to sing and dance to Christmas carols, we had lots of fun and good food!
You did a great job showing Aunt Lisa how to open up presents!! You got so much nice, fun stuff from your family!  You are such a lucky girl!

12/25/14 SANTA CAME!!!!! You were a great girl all year round, and Santa definitely noticed.  It has been a crazy busy year for our family and you couldn't have been a better sport Madelyn.  We are so lucky to have such a sweet, easy going, loving daughter.  Merry Christmas sweetheart.
It was a Frozen Christmas!  Filled with Frozen books, and even 2 Olaf's for you!! You love putting the Olaf's in your new baby stroller and giving them rides around the house!

Your baby got all sorts of accessories, you love caring for her, feeding her a bottle and covering her up with blankets.

Charlie Brown even got to take a spin in the new stroller!
Merry Christmas!!  You got a lot of nice presents and did a great job opening them; it was a bit overwhelming but you go the hang of it!

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Dans 

More presents?!?
Kids table, complete with entertainment and some food throwing
It's been a long, exciting day.  Great way to finish it off, Frozen with your cousin all snuggled on a blanket.

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