Sunday, February 15, 2015

February 2015, "Madelyn's Big Announcement"

Madelyn, when people ask me what kind of a little girl you are and how you are at this age this is how I describe you:

You're silly; you love to just run around and around, and purposefully fall down yelling, "whoaaa," and giggling as you make other people laugh.  You like to splash in the tub and yell, "oh noooo," while water flies.  Not only do you like to be tickled, but, you also have started to tickle yourself and laugh while you do it, tickling your next saying, tickle, tickle, tickle, to make Daddy and I laugh.  You love to put your socks on your hands, which we don't understand, and last night I even caught you with mittens on your feet and socks on your hands!

You're talented; your dance skills continue to improve as you learn and develop new moves and gain rhythm.  You will dance alone but prefer a partner, so even if Mama is cooking in the kitchen or Daddy is eating at the table, you will walk over, reach out saying, "hold hands?" and invite us to the dance floor with you.  Your singing is also impressive; sometimes you will sing through a whole meal, dinner and a show!

You're compassionate and affectionate; in the middle of running around giggling and screaming you will run over to Daddy or I for a quick hug or a kiss, then back to playing!  Your teachers at day care tell me that you don't like it when your friends are upset, and when a friend is crying you try to go over and cheer them up but giving them a hug, or holding their hand trying to get them to play.  

You're smart; you like to count, (one, two three started out as, "two, two, teeee," which was ADORABLE). You can now count to 10, sing ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle. Thanks to Daddy you have the book Goodnight Moon almost memorized; you go through it pointing at everything almost like you're reading it to us!

There are so many things about you that just amaze us every day.  Don't get me wrong though, even with all these sweet wonderful qualities you can still be a stinker.  Sometimes when you don't want to do something you will shake your finger at me saying, "NO THANK YOU."  Getting dressed can be a battle too, there are times you don't want to put clothes on because you're too busy.  You love to refuse to food I make you, and instead will point at the cupboards crying for apple sauce, or a cookie, 

We love you Madelyn!!!!

And there he or she is!  Baby Hergott #2 is on their way!!  Due August 12th, 2015, we are so excited to welcome our new addition and we know Madelyn will be a huge help and a great big sister!  When Mama is pregnant she LOVES breakfast for dinner, luckily that's your favorite type of food Madelyn.  Lots of eggs, waffles and pancakes in our house lately, poor Daddy...
We have been BUSY BUSY BUSY since we moved into our new home!  Lots of projects, and making the house into our very own has kept us on the go, we went from, one thing at a time, to two things at a time!   Lots to do before baby #2!
You were so excited to meet Elmo at the library, as long as Mama was close by.
Sweet girl, even when you splash us you're still sweet
Madelyn you're going to be a fantastic big sister, you've already been practicing and you take great care of all your dolls and stuffed animals.

Cousins Kenny and Lilly!  You have fun chasing them, so far Kenny is, "Nenny!"

Adventures at the mall with your cousins Evan and Tyler!  We got to visit a new aquarium and you loved watching the fish, sharks and sting rays!   You even get to touch a star fish, you're brave!

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