Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Happy 2nd birthday Madelyn!!

Happy birthday Madelyn!!!! April 5, 2015, and you're 2 today!!!  Today also happens to be Easter!  You woke up and quickly found your Easter basket.  The bunny left a trail of eggs for you that you quickly by passed, running directly to your basket!  We all got dressed up nicely and headed to Grandma and Grandpa Ellis's for Easter dinner and birthday cake, but first we had a fun egg hunt with your cousins!  You loved it, running around yelling, "I got it, I got it!"  

You loved your Mickey Mouse Club House cake!  You sang, "Happy to you, happy to you!"  Then you blew your candles out like a pro!

 Pictures from your 2 year photo shoot with Aunt Katie!  You were so excited to see Aunt Katie for your shoot, and although you were a little emotional and hard to work with (just like lots of models), she got some great shots!

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