Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Yee Hawwww, Madelyns 2nd bday round up! And more!

4-25-15 Big day Madelyn!! You had your first swimming class and your birthday party!!  You swam like a pro!  Kicking, paddling and splashing around, you couldn't wait to try everything your teacher asked of you and are definitely a little fishy!
Say, "Yeehawww!"  All dressed and ready for your cowgirl party!

Cousin fun!  Coloring with Lilly, and playing in your new sand box with Evan and Tyler, there was lots of fun to be had!

"Happy to you, happy to you!"  This is how you like to sing, happy birthday!  You blew your candles out like a pro and dove right into your cupcake!
Our sweet family.  Madelyn you're so sweet and so loved by Mama and Daddy.  We are so lucky and so proud of you every day!

Enter baby brother to the Hergott Blog!  Here he is with his cousin Baby Ellis.  Aunt Katie and I wearing our bumps proud!
4/27/15 Mama is 24 weeks pregnant, here you are demonstrating how large baby brother has gotten; he is the size of a cantaloupe!  Back to swim class you went, eager as the first class and once again you were all about getting your face and hair wet; you gave daddy a work out wanting to kick and paddle on your own!

 Flying a kite with Dada!  Madelyn you love showing off and impressing your Daddy.  You especially love when Daddy teaches you how to do something new, just like here where you got to fly a kite for the first time.  You are always impressing Daddy sweetheart, impressing and amazing him every day :)

 Babysitter in training!  Looks like you've got it down, should be ready to watch baby brother by August.  You can feed him and walk him around the neighborhood, should be fine while Daddy and I head out for a bit!
 A large covered front porch is something your Daddy and I have always said we wanted.  Here you are checking out the rain storm from our lovely porch.
5/10/15  It's because of you that I am blessed and able to celebrate the wonderful day that is, Mothers Day.  You made me a mother and taught me a lot, I may not do everything 100% right every day, but I will ALWAYS give you 110% of my love every day!

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