Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 2015

5-29-15, We have had a fun month enjoying the nice weather (and a lot of rain)! Madelyn, you are loving our new house and neighborhood and doing really well at school playing and learning with all of your friends!  I love it when I get notes that come home that say, "Madelyn loves to sing throughout the day!"  "Madelyn was very helpful today and played well with all of her friends!"

It's amazing how much you say and how much your personality has developed, here are some of our favorites and some new milestones you've reached:

"THAT'S A BIG ONE!"  Not sure where you got this from, wasn't at daycare apparently but you like to say it while you're eating if anything is larger than you're used to it being, you say it very slow and drawn out with a funny face!

"One mo time!"  Meant to be, one more time, but you sort of say it with an accent which is funny, and use it any time you want to keep doing something or we are doing something that is repetitive at all.

You also love to place your hand on our cheek and tell us, "it's ok," or ask, "are you alright?"

You love Disney movies already; we are regulars at the library checking out books and new movies. So far your favorite is Tangled, you also enjoy Aladdin, Rayrella (Cinderella), and Beauty and the Beast.

You love yard work, we have beautiful landscape at our new house and Mommy does her best trying to keep up with weeding it, good thing you're around to help!  We also have a family of toads that lives in our bushes and we see regularly, you usually go outside and call to them, "Froggy, where are you!?"

You can count to 20!  You are great at puzzles, and matching your colors, you still like to call most colors green but when we are practicing you know them all!

You're sleeping in a big girl bed and doing great at it, getting all ready for when baby brother comes! You say your prayers every night and point to baby brother when we talk about him and you've even kissed Mamas belly a few times :)

Park fun!  We are still finding and exploring all of the parks by our house and there are a lot!  You love the slides and the swing, but only the big girl swing, not the baby swing.  It makes it tough when you insist we sit and swing with you but also want us to push you at the same time. 

Chillin in your car, you love to load up your car and push it around, or color on it with chalk like Daddy showed you then wash it, and race Daddy in his van when he gets home from work!  Thanks cousin Lilly for passing along your cool pink car!
Safety first! You insisted on wearing Daddy's hard hat as your bike helmet!
Orange slices on the porch while waiting for Dada to get home! 
I can already see differences between you and baby brother.  I remember being pregnant with you and laying around poking at my belly trying to get you to kick me, baby brother kicks me all day long!  He's constantly moving, has the hiccups, or stretching his legs out to get comfortable in there!

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