Saturday, September 5, 2015

August 18th, 2015: INTRODUCING Mr. Colin Eric Hergott!

August 18, 2015; 1:50am:  Introducing Colin Eric Hergott!  We got to the hospital Monday the 17th around 5:30pm;  Mommy and Daddy walked the halls of the hospital for over 2 hours to get this labor going!  After all the walking and lots of help from the great nurses and  an amazing mid wife, mama was able to have a drug free, natural labor for you just like she wanted and there you were 8lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long, so perfect, so handsome and so loved already!  And now for LOTS of pictures of our handsome baby boy.

Mr. Colin, you gave us quite the scare your first few hours of birth, you decided you would forget how to breath just to get all the nurses attention (ladies man).  This little stunt of yours bought you a ticket to the NICU and that's where you stayed for the next 5 days.  After lots of special care and attention from the great nurses at Beaumont and assorted tests that all came back normal, we were told you were fine and good to go home where you belong!
8/19/15 First family photo :)
You big sister was already so proud of you and happy to finally meet you.  She brought you a bear and wanted to help cover you with blankets and take care of you!

Our time in the NICU was stressful, but, we had lots of alone time to just spend time together, bond, and cuddle :)  The nurses  all joked that you were the biggest baby ever in the NICU!  You were already such a sweet boy, my little snorter, you snorted all the time!  When you were hungry, trying to nurse, or crying, you would snort like a little piggy!


After 6 days at Beaumont we were ready to go home!
All packed and headed home....let the adventures begin!

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