Thursday, September 24, 2015

Madelyn and the young Padawan - Month 1


Since Colin has arrived you have really grown into an even more sweet, caring and helpful girl than you already were.  Colin has not been the easiest baby, and has required a lot of Mommy and Daddy's time and attention and although you have definitely tested your limits, you haven't shown any anger or jealousy towards him.  The more he cries and the more attention he demands the more you want to love him and help which melts my heart.

We have tea parties at least once a day, Colin always has his own tea cup.  You like to try to play with him while I'm nursing him, which involves you stacking toys on him while he is eating.  Every morning when I come into your room with him, or come downstairs with him you get so excited, "there's baby Colin!"  The amount of hugs and kisses he receives from you daily is more than most people receive in a month, and you tell him at least once a day, "I love you baby Colin, I love you very much."

Today marks day 6 of potty training!  You have always been able to make us laugh but this potty training has taken that to a whole different level.  When you go into the bathroom you insist the door be closed, and once you're finished you come out proudly with your underwear around your ankles pointing and smiling at your potty yelling, "I did it!"  Daddy and I have really worked hard on keeping our excitement level up every time, even if you pee 5 times in an hour we put on quite the display to show how proud we are of you, it's usually, hugs, kisses, high five, knuckles, sticker on your chart, treat, and lots of praise.  By the time we are done celebrating sometimes you already have to go again!

You are definitely learning because you love to repeat constantly.  
Madelyn, "Where's baby Colin?"
Me, "In the other room sleeping."
Madelyn, "He in other room sleeping?"
Me, "yes, Shhh, Colin is sleeping."
Madelyn, (usually too loudly), "OOOH, SHHHH baby Colin sleeping MOM!"
All of this repeating causes quite a bit of chatter in our house and it is never quiet here.
9/23/15 Welcome home Colin!

And the lovin begins...
You're learning to be gentle, but sometimes you are SO excited to hold him, or be by him and just hold his hand you squeeze a little too tight :)

A true beauty Madelyn
Our little Jedi.  

Hanging with the Kotenkos
Colin you are actually pretty well behaved when we have visitors or we are out at someones house, so if we were never home or always had people over you would be perfect!

First family outing!  FYI Colin, this carrier is where you spend 90% of your day right now, you love it, and insist on being in it, that said, once you get your first pay check you can put it towards a spa day for Mommy, including a back massage :)
You and Howie are lucky dudes that you have each other, for now it's chillin on the blanket, one day you will be chasing each other around, playing sports, talking about girls...but for now the only girls you talk about are your mamas :)

sibling comparison shot!

Colin, we are lucky enough to have brief moments in the day, usually at least once when you are happy and may even laugh of smile!  Other than that you pretty much just want to be held, ride in your carrier, eat, or sleep, which is ok because you're a baby, and that's really all you need to do right now!  I have learned that Jedi training must require a lot of crying, and you are really excelling at this, you also must have some ESP abilities, you can sense when I'm about to eat dinner, leave the room, go to the bathroom, or set you down; these are things that make you require immediate attention. You are very particular, and want things to be just right in order for you to be happy, usually it's something like, "pick me up, no don't hold me that way, put my feet in the blanket, no I want my feet poking out of the blanket, hm, nope just my left foot.  I'll take my pacifier now, ew gross, what is that thing you're putting in my mouth, I don't want it.  I'm hungry, no I don't think I'll eat now, I'll just lay here with you if that's ok."  And so on.  WE LOVE YOU COLIN! :)
Chilling at the park, Madelyn's friends just had siblings too, this makes for some very exciting play dates now!
Madelyn you are truly a good friend; you're always sharing, making sure others are alright and having a good time, and if they aren't you always try to include them or cheer them up, it is really adorable to get to watch you interact with your friends.
Happy one month buddy!  Here you are looking THRILLED for your one month photo!
That's OK, any lack of excitement from you was made up and then some by your big sister!
Well, she held off long enough...couldn't resist some smooches for her baby bro.
Mommy and Daddy are so lucky, you two are our world 

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