Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mothers Day 2016

Mothers Day 2016, brunch at The Myth where Mommy and Daddy got married!  Could my kids be and cuter or husband be looking any more handsome??? I think no.  Brunch with two kids = eat as much as you can in approximately 1 hour and 15 mins. 

Just over that bridge...where our family started..
Hanging with my crazy crew for mothers day was all that I wanted and I had a perfect day of adventures outdoors, jogging, bike ride, nail painting, kite flying and playing chase in the yard, my heart is so full of love; thanks Madelyn and Colin for making me a mama, and thanks to your Daddy for making me feel so special.

Madelyn and Colin playing dress up!  And don't worry, it's not, "poor Colin," he loves the attention and getting to play with his big sis.  9 months and he's already mastered crawling up the stairs!
Trip to the farm, Madelyn got to milk a cow!!!
Happy 9 months Colin! You're quick and getting much more playful; you love playing in your play kitchen with Madelyn and riding on your little red car!

You love the water!  I filled up your little pool and water table and after 15 minutes you were putting your tiny foot on the side and carefully crawling in!  You love to splash around.
Happy birthday Grandma!  Cousin pic on Gmas swing!

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