Saturday, May 14, 2016

Madelyn 3 year pics, Colin 8 months

Madelyn, you're three years old!!  We are so proud of you, you are doing great in your preschool class, you've mastered spelling your last name, our street name and the name of your mommy and daddy really well.  You are a total "mom," at home and at school; you care for Colin like he's your baby and at school when anyone is sad you are quick to their side to try to aid them.  A few weeks ago at school Mommy had her first struggle with leaving you; a boy was crying, you went over to him to ask him if he was OK and wanted to play with you, he pushed you hard (this is when mommy almost pushed a toddler), you came over to me upset but not crying and said, "he's just sad mom, he misses his Mommy and Daddy."  You amaze us Madelyn, every day.  The way you're able to express yourself and your emotions far surpasses our expectations.  To be clear, you're still our "threenager," with the random meltdown and weird episodes of, "my legs aren't working," when you're tired or don't want to do something; but overall it is AMAZING what you pick up on and how you can communicate.  When you're quiet and asked what's wrong you'll say, "I'm tired, I think I need to lay down" or, "I miss my Daddy," you aren't afraid to express yourself or let us know what you need. You have learned and can recite all your favorite nursery rhymes and stories; Hey Diddle Diddle, All the Pretty Little Horses, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Hush a Bye, and many more.  I could go on and on, when you're older it'll be so fun to tell you about this and how loving and smart you were as a toddler. 
MR. COLIN!!!  I mean really, could you be any cuter?  It's like salt in a wound when you have the CUTEST BABY that doesn't sleep and cries a lot.  Luckily we are pretty easy going parents that can take it as it comes because Colin, that's how it goes with you.  We have had a good night where you only wake up twice, and that's happened 2 nights in a row!  And we think, OK, this is it, and then...that's not it.  That said, these frequent night time visits have been some special memories for Mama, you are a snuggler at night, you snuggle up on me and breathe with your mouth wide open, and just when I think you're going to burp, you fart and smile.  You started to clap, and get SO excited when we clap with you!  We have now gotten to the babble stage of the bababababa....but with you it is usually a super loud, BAAABABABABABA, AHHHHH!!!!!  You don't babble all day or frequently at all, but when you decide to talk , you TALK, loud and a steady stream.

Madelyn 3 years, Colin 8 months
You're beautiful, you're handsome, when you look back on this one day just know you were as loved then as you are now; our sweet babies, we love you so much.

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