Saturday, May 14, 2016

Birthday party and princess ball!!

April showers bring cute little girls with umbrellas :)
Zoo weather is here!  Madelyn you loved showing Colin around the zoo, especially in the reptile house where you could both get up close to the lizards and alligator! 
Not Marty McFly, but MR. HANDSOME COLIN!!
Studs in plaid.  "Cousins!"
Happy Easter 2016!!  March 27, 2016; The kids had a great time going through their baskets the bunny brought, we had a great afternoon with the Fodors, Martins and Gma and Gpa Hergott for Easter dinner at our house!
Our beautiful family, we are so blessed to have each other and these 2 cuties
Birthday party time!  Four toddlers bumper bowling couldn't have been any cuter, you guys had a blast!
Madelyn you were a bowling champ getting all sorts of spares and really pushing your princess bowling ball down that ramp!
There was lots of running, dancing and being silly with your friends Maggie, Josh and Will

3 year well child check up - Doctor says you are quite the young lady, super smart and surpassing all the 3 year milestones.
We are park people, chilly temps don't scare us, we bundle up and head out to anywhere with some slides and swings, this was Colin's first time on a swing and WOW Colin, you really enjoyed it.  Madelyn pushed you and you just smiled and laughed the whole time!
"I got him I got him."  This is a phrase we hear frequently around the house now since Colin has been mobile, and Madelyn is so confident in her ability to pick him up and transport him from room to room.  Madelyn you like to protect him so if you see him crawling towards anything you deem unsafe, you scoop him up and carry him just like this to safety.
Standing at EVERYTHING, the furniture, toys, windows, our legs, you pull yourself up everywhere Colin. 
Besties, and we couldn't be more proud of how well you treat your little brother Madelyn he is lucky to have you around and we are so lucky to have you here to help with him!
"More swinging mom!!! Yayyyy, this is way better than rocking in my rocking chair I love the wind on my thighs!"
It's time!  Madelyn has started scooting around on her Strider bike she got from the Kotenkos.  These bikes are the new cool way to learn since they have no peddles kids learn balance faster and skip the training wheels completely.
Happy 8 months Mr. Colin, or as Madelyn calls you (but gives no one else permission to, it's cute because it's just her thing) Colly, Colly Col, Colly want a cracker, Colycolycolycoly.  Your laugh and smile stop time in this house because it's the only thing we can focus on as it's happening.  Your soft hair that still has it's spikey do is adorable and watching it blow in the wind while you ride on the swings or in the stroller is just the sweetest thing.  You have 2 teeth on the bottom, you crawl FAST, faster than I ever remember Madelyn crawling and you pull yourself up to stand on anything and everything, you have no fear and you have sooooo much love.

This was a very special day April 23, 2016, Miss Monica and Calvin were in town from Arizona and came over to spend the afternoon with US!  Mommy's former room-mate and forever best friend has another baby on the way and since she doesn't live in Michigan anymore we don't see much of each other so this picture is a very special one; how our lives have changed!!!
I post pictures of you two hugging all the time and I'd be honest here if these were rare moments caught on film but, they're not, you are hugging ALL THE TIME. 
April 30, 2016 - This was a very special day for one very special girl.  Grandma, Mommy and Madelyn got all dressed up and headed off to a princess ball.  Madelyn in her finest Ariel dress, Grandma and Mommy couldn't find their Disney dresses so settled for a little more simple attire, no one could compare the the beautiful Madelyn all ready to go to meet the Disney princesses and watch them sing and dance!
This is a proud Mama, I loved doing this with you sweetheart, you love to sing and dance so much and know all the Disney songs, seeing the princesses perform them in front of us was a very special thing for us to enjoy. 

Ladies day out!  You talked about it all week, "Daddy and Colin are not going, Mommy, Grandma and Madelyn are going for a ladies day."

Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty came by to chit chat and you were so excited to show her the sparkly butterfly you had painted on your face!  She said she liked sparkles too!
Sofia the First and Madelyn, just a couple of princesses hanging out.
May the 4th be with you.  We like Star Wars just a little bit in this house.
Our new fun toy!  Daddy pulls Madelyn on the bike while Mommy runs like a crazy women pushing Colin in the jogging stroller!  That buggy seats 2 though and soon the kids will ride together in style :)  (with helmets, not pictured here just because it was a test run).
Grandpa and Colin hanging out exchanging stories (I feel like the conversation may have been a little one sided :).

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