Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Life is good

Spirit week at school to celebrate Dr. Seuss!  Colin, you had, top hat  Tuesday.  Madelyn, you had Tacky Tuesday!  So we have a total stud and a wacky dressed stylish chick.  Maybe next spirit week school can make it easier on mama and make all the classrooms have the same theme, they're lucky Madelyn didn't show up in a hat and Colin dressed crazy, I actually packed each day extra clothes in case I messed this up! 
Wow.  Handsome, stud, super cool dude.  What else can I say, you are totally cute Colin, however it is annoying to always hear, "HE ALWAYS LOOKS SO HAPPY!"  I guess we all need to wear cameras around the house, or not, don't worry I'll always remember and have no problem telling you about the sleepless nights and stress you caused when you weren't giving us this amazing grin :)
Twinsies!  Couldn't pass up the opportunity to dress you both in some snazzy navy polo shirts.   
You love getting ready with Mama, you use my make up brushes and try to do what I do, you put on, lipstick, every time I do, which is only Chapstick but, you love it.  You are BEAUTIFUL, that said, don't ever forget that your beauty goes so much beyond how you look.  Your intelligence, care for others, sense of humor, and so much more make you the beautiful person that you are and watching all of these things grow is so exciting. 
I remember hanging eggs in trees outside when I was a kid, so this was something I had a blast doing with you.  Colin was sleeping, we put the ribbons in the eggs and went outside to decorate our tree!  You were so excited you had the bag of eggs in hand and were at the door and didn't even have your shoes on yet!  Of course, the day we did this happened to be one of the windiest days of the year, we watched out the window as the eggs blew around the tree and due to mamas superb crafting skills we only lost one egg in the crazy Michigan storm that happened right after the hanging of the eggs!  (The egg was found and later returned to the tree).
3/17/16 Happy St. Patricks Day from these lucky charms!  With you both dressed in your finest green you went off to school to celebrate St. Pattys day!
Happy 7 months buggy!
Madelyn has been saying for over a month now, "my birthdays coming up."  This is the first year she has gone to some friend birthday parties and it has really made the, "birthday," idea set it.  Madelyn has gone to a bounce house party, and a party downtown at the DNR center where she explored all the outdoorsy MI fun indoors with all her friends!  Colin is 7 months and our sweet girl will be 3 in 18 days!!!!!!
Easter is coming!  Colin's first Easter!!!!  The line was long and the people waiting in line near us were...challenging to stand by...but, we waited, we saw, and we took a great picture!  The ride there we told Madelyn, the bunny is bigger than a bunny outside, he's a big bunny.   This may or may not have been a mistake.   Didn't want you scared Madelyn when you saw the big bunny, but, the whole way there and a few times in line you kept saying, "IT'S A BIG BUNNY, I DON'T LIKE THE BIG BUNNY."  As we got closer and you saw him with the other kids you were waving and excited to see him, and let him know you decorated the house so he would find us and bring us treats!  Colin started crying 2 minutes before we got to the bunny because, it was nap time and definitely time to eat, like the champ he is in public he took a great photo!
Can't get much cuter than this, life is good. 

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