Wednesday, March 23, 2016

We have a 6 month old and a little lady who is almost 3!

*Little bug, you are 6 months old!!!  You have this WIDE OPEN MOUTH smile that is adorable to see and makes mommy and daddy very happy!

*You love making the noise, AH, AH, AH, AH, sometimes while banging a toy around very hard and fast, daycare calls you little chewy, little Chewbacca because of the noises you make :)

*You had a rough month and got pretty sick, but with lots of snuggles and love from mommy, daddy and Madelyn we had you feeling better.  One day while I was in the kitchen I heard you start to cry, when I went in to check you, Madelyn already had you in her arms rocking you saying, "It's ok Colin, I got you."

*You sit up on your butt, leaning forward and bounce and rock, you really wanna GO GO GO, usually you do this when your sister is running around, you want to chase her!

*You've tried some food, not a huge fan, but we are working on it, you seem to just want to push it around and then out with your tongue.

*Your spiky hair is the talk of everywhere we go, you're easy to fall in love with and that soft spiky hair always catches attention!

*When you nurse you like to try to suck both thumbs at the same time...this is interesting...and I end up putting you in some sort of wrestling hold tucking one arm between my arms and holding the other while I tuck one of your legs between my other arms, luckily this is always in the privacy of our home or people would think we are crazy. 

Story time in Madelyn's room before bed is a part of our nightly routine

Madelyn gets to help feed Colin and as always, gets very concerned about his well being so here she is checking on him to make sure he's doing ok after having some oatmeal; must be some sort of new age medicine to check a patient from the top of the head. 
Happy 6 months Mr. Colin, thanks for all the sweet smiles, now can you please let me sleep? 
Mr. Colin, you and your finicky ways have dropped you from 90% to 30% in your weight...but, don't let that fool anyone, you are SO STRONG.  You are GRABBY.  You grab faces, hair, you lunge forward with your mouth open and just gnaw on chins, cheeks, whatever you can grab with your mouth.  And you love to stand, when put down sometimes we have to physically bend your legs at the waist to force you to sit down because you insist on the straight leg standing position.  Dr. Madelyn even got to help at your 6 month check up, starting her young!

Madelyn, you speak very well, however you still pronounce your V's, more like a B, which is just really cute right now....Super Madelyn runs around yelling, "I'll Sabe you!"  And we get hear, "I lub you," very frequently.  I say it over and over again, but I can't even believe how much a 2, almost 3 year old can help around the house, with Colin, cleaning, cooking, you want to help with it all!  When I clean the bathrooms you get some paper towel and wipe down the sink or help with the shower walls, you swifter vacuum the kitchen floor, dust your room, clean your window; when Colin cries you still stop what your doing to take him a toy, you'll shake a rattle till he stops, or try to give him his pacifier, it's amazing.  You also like to help me bake, this can get messy, but it's fun, and you like the light in the oven turned on so you can watch our yummy treats bake!
Building a snowman!  Even Colin got in on the fun!  In Michigan baby pools are multipurpose and can be used year round as shown here, keeps babies dry and happy while enjoying a fresh snowfall!

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