Saturday, February 20, 2016

Colins 5 months and first family trip!

1/18/16 Happy 5 months Colin!  You continue to get happier every day, we love and enjoy your big open mouth smile.  You like to grab onto us, as if you're hugging us back which is adorable, you also love face grabbing as we call it and have quite a grip.  You're still fascinated by your big sister and watch her every move, you are pretty chatty while your playing and your sweet baby babbles are like music to our ears. 
Madelyn you aren't even 3 yet and you can say your full name, the street you live on, you can even SPELL YOUR LAST NAME!   You can recite about 5 different nursery rhymes from memory, not to mention all the songs you know the lyrics to and can sing all by yourself or along with the radio to.  You speak in sentences, and it shocks us sometimes how clear it is what your trying to say, even your grammar is typically on point, you amaze us. 
January 22, 2016, first family trip!  We went to Grand Rapids for the weekend to visit with the Fox family.  Everyone had a blast, and Mama got to have a great birthday dinner and celebration for the big 3 - 1! Your Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Jim LOVE you kiddos so much and Kaitlyn, Courtney and Megan are perfect role models for you, they loved playing with you and teaching you new things, we had a blast!!

Aunt Kathleen was coaching her godson on sitting up...

And BAM, practice makes perfect and Aunt Kathleen must have had the right touch because you did it Colin!

Madelyn LOVES to dance, and seeing her cousin Megan dance made her want to show off her own skills and learn a few new moves :)
We are so lucky to have such loving family who welcome us for visits and always show us a great time
Winter of 2016 has definitely been a mild one, we get outside a lot for walks, this cutie likes the fresh air.

When I talk to other moms who have kids around the same age as my 2 cuties, one thing we always discuss is the joy of watching our kids interact.  I can't even begin to describe how it makes me feel to see the two of you together.  Madelyn your patience is well beyond what a 2 year old needs to have, as well as your compassion and understanding, it's amazing to see how you strive to help me with Colin, not just because you like to help me but because you care about him so much.  And Colin even as a baby you seem to be able to recognize that your sister is there to help you, even something as simple as when you drop a toy, she quickly retrieves it and will hold it out for you until you can grasp it again, and you smile at her because you are so used to her presence in that helpful way.  

First time bowling!  You did great Madelyn, we only had to have someone retrieve your slow rolling ball twice, but you bowled a 77

"Oh wow look at all the lights...the people...what's that?"  So much to see and watch made our first bowling trip a huge success for the whole family!  Madelyn got a lot of compliments on her princess ball from her Uncle Jimbo :)

Proud Daddy

2/8/16 First visit to the dentist!  You were the perfect patient, you let the Doctor count all of your teeth, use his fancy spinning toothbrush and polish them up nicely!  No cavities and you were told you're doing a great job brushing and keeping them clean!

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