Thursday, January 14, 2016

Christmas 2015 with our beautiful kids!

Christmas Eve 2014, Madelyn is prepping the yard by sprinkling reindeer feed all around the yard!  She made sure to sprinkle just a little bit ALL over!
Still prepping - cookies made specially by Madelyn, and milk, out and ready for the big guy, reindeer pjs on, looks like we are all set!  Madelyn, you had a little trouble going to got up a few times claiming, "Santa woke me up, is he here?"
Thanks Grandma Ellis for being on top of the stockings!  They're hung on the fireplace with care :)  Always a great memory of my Grandma Bergmooser when we pull mine out which is an original made by her; my mom took on the tradition and has made them for the rest of our family. 
SANTA CAME!!!! Colin you were pumped, luckily Madelyn was able to help you open your gifts, and we promise she did a great job, if your name was on the gift we told her, she opened it for you right at your side and gave it to you :)  best big sister!  You loved the puppets Santa brought for you!
Colin you stayed attentive when Madelyn got to her gifts! 
To Madelyn and Colin from Santa, YOU GOT A KITCHEN!!!!  Not just any kitchen, a beautiful wooden kitchen with counter space, an oven, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave and a chefs outfit!
Busy Christmas day full of fun, excitement and family love!  

All hopped up on Christmas spirit these kiddos had a blast playing 
Colin had a wonderful first Christmas and we are so lucky this year to have 2 beautiful kids to celebrate with.

Just a couple of dudes hanging out in sleepers...being adorable
Grandma showing off Colin's strong legs :)
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Ellis for the cool art easel!  It's the perfect addition to the kids activity area in the basement!  Madelyn colors, paints, and does chalk drawings while Mommy works out, and when a song she likes comes on she drops what she's doing to do a little dance and run around :)
Madelyn and Colin, you are beautiful, we love you both so much.  The joy you bring to us every day is something that I can't even describe; watching you each on your own in your own element, watching you together interacting, it's the best thing and you continue to amaze us every day. 
Mr. Colin with your sweet smile, loving eyes and spikey melt our heart.  You usually sit in your bouncy while we eat dinner, and just a simple look in your direction brings a sweet smile to your face, we look away, then look back, and there it is again!  You're amazing, you're handsome, and  we love you so much. 
Colin you had your 4 month appointment, Dr. Madelyn made sure she came along to make sure your doctor was doing his job, she gave you a check up and then the Doctor came in and let her use all of his tools too! 15lbs 11oz, you're 45% which makes you as perfect on paper as you are in our hearts.  

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