Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ongoing adventures of Madelyn and Colin - prepping for the holidays!

We finally got some snow for Madelyn to get outside and enjoy; she enjoyed riding in her sled, building a snowman and learning to make snow angels with Daddy!

Happy Thanksgiving 2015, we are thankful for each other; we have such a beautiful family and are so blessed every day. 

Madelyn and Colin got a visit from The Kindness Bears, Santa sent them to hang out until Christmas and every day they decided to show up and do fun things with the kids, help with chores, bake cookies, write letters; they were a great reminder of how lucky we are and how it's important to do nice things and enjoy our time together!
Time to decorate for Christmas 2015!  Star Wars Christmas was playing in the background, this year Madelyn was super into helping set up and hang ornaments on the tree.  

Mother nature has been kind so far, allowing us to enjoy some snow but also tons of sunshine and mild days to get outside!  Madelyn helped Daddy hang some Christmas lights outside on this beautiful day! 
I love my kids, and get tons of pictures of them together...for every one cute pic there is a reel of 10 to 20 out takes that didn't make the cut, some of those are the best!  This one in particular is a personal favorite, could be captioned many different ways....
Madelyn's probably thinking...Maybe Mom doesn't notice that I'm squeezing him harder than normal....
Colin:  "Mom, why does she have her arm around me again???"
Colin:  "AGAIN MOM?!?"
Take 15, cute picture of my kids in their Christmas best :)
Our BEAUTIFUL daughter
Colin you are in good hands, your dad and I of course, but Madelyn also is very attentive to you, when you get up from your nap she likes to get in your crib and snuggle you and read to you. 
Another oddly nice day in December, first walk together in a double stroller with our kids hanging side by side!
Santa visit!  Colin you really liked the big guy, Madelyn you braved the visit, you didn't want to sit with Santa but were there to support Colin by holding his hand :)
Babys first Christmas! 
Daddy and Aunt Lisas Bday dinner, hanging with Lilly

Colin you get so may compliments on your hair, it was laying flat and then one day, BAM, spikey!
December 18, 2015 Happy 4 months Colin!

Future baker on our hands; 12/23/15 we made our cookies and baked them, 12/24/15, Christmas Eve morning we woke up and decorated them all!  I think this may be a tradition we start because you LOVED it Madelyn.  You favored the red sprinkles, you did a great job putting buttons on the snowmen, and decorated all the cookies beautifully!

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