Monday, November 30, 2015

Happy 3 months and Happy baptism Colin!

Colin and Madelyn, watching the two of you interact is by far one of the biggest joys Daddy and I experience.  Madelyn you are so caring, always wanting to snuggle Colin, protect him, entertain him, whatever it takes; you are very attentive to him and I know your heart must be so big when I see the way you are with him.   Colin, it amazes me to see you watch your sister, sometimes when you're crying and she comes over to try to console you I think, no way, he's not going to like that...and a moment later you're smiling watching your big sister.  You guys love each other, you need each other and I hope as you grow you will always remember that. 

11/18/15 Colin you are 3 months, you're 14lbs 3oz, you babble and coo A LOT.  I can't sugar coat it, you still are a fussy little guy but you love to snuggle and be with your Mommy, Daddy and big sister.  You just recently started sitting in your exersaucer and bouncy in the doorway, overachiever, these toys say 6 months as the age but you like to show off and this must mean you will be very athletic :)
You LOVE to try to put your whole hand in your mouth, suck on your fingers, and drool all over your shirt! 
11/21/15 We had some very special visitors for Colin's baptism!  The Fox family came to celebrate, your Great Aunt Kathleen did us the honor of being your godmother and Uncle Jim, Kaitlyn, Courtney and Megan had a blast playing with you Madelyn!  You both got showered with your Christmas presents; tons of Anna and Elsa for Madelyn, and Madelyn you had your first sleep over with your cousin Megan!
Getting you all dressed for your special day!

This is what handsome looks like; this was your Daddy's baptism outfit and we are so happy you were able to wear it for yours.   
Your godmother, Aunt Kathy, loves you very much!  And you must know that, she had a talk with you before baptism and told you not to cry and you listened!  Maybe Aunt Kathy should call before bed every night...before you were born we visited the Fox family and had a long talk about what it meant to be a god parent, she didn't know it then but it had been decided before you were even born that she would be your god mother.  We know that she will always be there to guide you as she has been such a positive person in my life, she will continue to be one in yours too :)
Baptism chucks for Daddy's little guy :)
Your so lucky to have our friend Mr. Tim as your godfather, he came with his son Dez to be a part of your day and he loves you very much!  You are such a lucky guy to have this wonderful man as someone to always look up to and be a role model for you in your life.  Tim has always been a true friend to your Daddy and me, he is trustworthy, hard working, and a wonderful dad which is why we are honored, and you are blessed that he took on the role of your godfather :)
Don't worry Colin, that water was a relaxing 85 degrees when you were dipped into it naked for your baptism :)
Proud god parents!

A big celebration for our Mr. Colin!  All of your family came to continue the celebration of your baptism and you were a perfect host.  You spent time with your guests before heading to your crib to catch a few Zzzzzs.  
Madelyn as always, you looked beautiful, you were perfectly behaved to not steal any thunder from your brother at his baptism, Mommy and Daddy are very proud :)
Uncle Jimbo having some Colin snuggles 
Grandma and Grandpa Hergott with their grandkids looking all fancy!
Speaking of looking fancy, Uncle Ken didn't look to shabby posing for a pic with his nephew :)
Colin, it snowed over a foot the night of your baptism and we still had EVERYONE show up!  You are loved, your aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and god parents were all there to support you.

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